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HELP- used custom aquarium needs home

Aquarium Care Center

Gold Sponsor
We are moving a 84"x24"x30" custom glass aquarium (8 years old and great shape) two overflows extra holes black back and sides for the tank 500 dollars and if you call us tomorrow am we could bring it to your house for a very small fee and drop it off..

there is no additional info we have on it. Once it makes it back here and we clean it up and sell it the price will go up. hurry now is the time

please call or email us for this


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Yeah, it flashed through my mind for a instant as well....and then I envisioned my wife in my mind eviscerating that though into tiny pieces, with now a view of doing the same to my privates.....so no new tank for me as well! :p
Yeah, it flashed through my mind for a instant as well....and then I envisioned my wife in my mind eviscerating that though into tiny pieces, with now a view of doing the same to my privates.....so no new tank for me as well! :p

I pictured putting it where my 180g is, but only 6ft of it would have been viewable :x.


Officer Emeritus
Tempting Anthony but I'm looking for a six footer minimum. Gonna be awhile before I set it up. Mason just poured footings for the foundation for the addition that will house it!

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Officer Emeritus
There was a 10 foot freebie with steel stand on Craigslist yesterday and it was reef ready to boot!!!