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Help with stocking for 125

Quick background, I have a 125 in wall w/ 55 sump. Mixed reef (mostly sps) nothing large mostly frags starting to grow. Asmg3, algae scrubber. Current stock consists of 2 ocellaris clown, watchman goby, 1 spot fox face, spotted mandarin, coral beauty, and yellow eye kole tang. I want to get more fish but don't know what direction to go. Couple options I've been thinking of some lyertail anthias, bicolor Benny, tangs. Tangs make me nervous with the whole itch thing, but i really love powder blues and browns. Any input would help. Also have snails and hermits. The tank is 4 mos old, but the system has been upgraded twice, 25, 40, then 125. Rock some fish and coral have been around for over a yr.
My opinion would be to go with the powder brown. Just make sure to QT it or get it from somewhere that does, I think one of out vendors does. Maybe the animal hospital.
Have you thought about anthias?
What about fire fish?
Assessor basslets?
There are a lot of smaller fish options that would do very well in a 125 with the stock list you mentioned, and be reef safe.
We have a group of three helfrichi firefish, and they are gorgeous. We have a sunburst (fathead) anthia in our DT, along with an aurolentas (sp?), an assessor basslet, and two borbonius (sp?) that we are conditioning before we move them upstairs. As far as wrasses, we have three fairy wrasses and one flasher wrasse.
The sunburst anthia is a cave dweller, but the other fish I mentioned are all active swimmers.
My opinion would be to go with the powder brown. Just make sure to QT it or get it from somewhere that does, I think one of out vendors does. Maybe the animal hospital.

I love powder browns, more than the blues. Pre quarantined would be awesome.
Have you thought about anthias?
What about fire fish?
Assessor basslets?
There are a lot of smaller fish options that would do very well in a 125 with the stock list you mentioned, and be reef safe.
We have a group of three helfrichi firefish, and they are gorgeous. We have a sunburst (fathead) anthia in our DT, along with an aurolentas (sp?), an assessor basslet, and two borbonius (sp?) that we are conditioning before we move them upstairs. As far as wrasses, we have three fairy wrasses and one flasher wrasse.
The sunburst anthia is a cave dweller, but the other fish I mentioned are all active swimmers.

I like wrasses, I had one in my forty, but jumped through a small hole. Also they will compete with the mandarin for pods. I like fire fish also, jumpers. I'm leaning towards the lyretail anthias but have read they need to be fed a lot. I do feed twice a day. I've never looked into basslets. Have to check them out. What do you recommend for number of anthias? 1 or do I need to get more?
I have 2 of the lyretails they are beautiful fish always out and swimming around, you can have multiple females but only one male....
Ok after dinner, I'm gonna pick up 3 disbar anthias. Any thoughts pros or cons. I like to put new fish when lights are going out so less stress occurs
Found this info on live aquaria just make sure they are eating before you buy...
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The Dispar Anthias can be a challenge in coaxing them to eat and may need to be fed two or more times a day. The natural diet includes plankton but they will adapt to a variety of diets including flake food.[/FONT]
