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How I Got Back Into Reefing

I never imagined I would be reading saltwater forums ever again after I sold everything off a couple of years ago. I was looking forward to actually having a savings account. Back in March I was having back pain and wound up going to physical therapy for the first time in my life. It was kind of humbling being the youngest person there and getting excited that I could almost touch my toes- if I was having a good day.

At this physical therapists office was a FOWLR set up. It had 2 skunk clowns, 2 Green Chromis and 2 lil' yellow clown gobies. After spending a month staring at this tank I pitched the idea to my girlfriend that I would like to start a saltwater tank again. I told her we could do it cheaply because a fowlr is actually relaxing and is better than no saltwater tank at all and since lighting is one of the biggest costs, fish could care less about the lighting.

Initially she was against it, but after doing a couple of "Let's just go to Steve's" just to see if the bug bites again she agreed. Amazingly, SHE wanted the larger tank if we were going to do it. I really didn't want to do a larger tank- the thought of having to buy all that equipment over again gave me night sweats- that's why the mini bow was more to my liking. But she said she would pitch in financially, which made the decision a bit easier. So here I am, looking to upgrade to a 120 one day!!

And yes, I can touch my toes again ;D


NJRC Member
Welcome back Eric!! :) I love to relax just watching my fish. My kids think I am crazy, but, then again maybe I am. ;D Hey, I have 6 kids gotta be kind of off my rocker.
Thanks! The worst part about staring at this tank for a month was watching the water level get lower and lower every week. Each week I could tell the fish were getting more and more stressed by the increased salinity. The green chromis went from swimming back and forth across the top of the tank to hiding under a cave at the bottom of the tank. The clowns appeared less perky. I was going to post here as a concerned citizen regarding how do you tell a place of business that they are not taking proper care of their saltwater tank without coming across as overstepping.

Finally I had enough and told my therapist that I used to have saltwater fish and I can tell that the fish are not happy with their current situation. I asked him who took care of it and he said he did not know- just some company came once a week on the weekend to maintain it. I told him there was no way they have been here recently because if they had been at the very least they should have added water by now. He appeared a bit uncomfortable and asked what he should do.

I told him to go to Shoprite and buy some Great Bear reverse osmosis water and add it as sooon as possible. Thanfully he followed through but to this day I wonder how that tank is doing.
eric65 said:
Thanks! The worst part about staring at this tank for a month was watching the water level get lower and lower every week. Each week I could tell the fish were getting more and more stressed by the increased salinity. The green chromis went from swimming back and forth across the top of the tank to hiding under a cave at the bottom of the tank. The clowns appeared less perky. I was going to post here as a concerned citizen regarding how do you tell a place of business that they are not taking proper care of their saltwater tank without coming across as overstepping.

Finally I had enough and told my therapist that I used to have saltwater fish and I can tell that the fish are not happy with their current situation. I asked him who took care of it and he said he did not know- just some company came once a week on the weekend to maintain it. I told him there was no way they have been here recently because if they had been at the very least they should have added water by now. He appeared a bit uncomfortable and asked what he should do.

I told him to go to Shoprite and buy some Great Bear reverse osmosis water and add it as sooon as possible. Thanfully he followed through but to this day I wonder how that tank is doing.

I think you did the right thing. Polite just concerned.