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How many gallons do you get from your DI resin?

I just installed 3 canisters of DI resin onto my 4 stage RO unit. All 3 canisters are half used up after making just 55 gallons of water. The TDS going into the DI units was =/- 10 ppm and 0 out of the DI. I would have thought the DI resin would have lasted a little longer.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
I don't know the exact numbers, but I can say I get WAY more than 55 gallons out of a canister. I probably don't change my DI for 3 months or more. The current canister is going on 350+ gallons and I'm still reading 0 TDS out of it. Going into the DI is only 2-3 TDS. Is your RO membrane bad? Have you flushed it lately? I try to flush mine once every week (or 2 if I'm lazy)


I have the same issue with mine. I'm on my second DI canister. They last about 60-70 gallons and I too have 10ppm coming out of the RO membrane. I got my DI resin from Air, Water and Ice.


How is that done? I have a holding container that gets filled from the membrane with two outputs from the holding container that got to Drinking Faucet or DI Resin... is it still possible to flush the membrane with this setup?



Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
My Resin is from the AWI group buy.

Yes, You can flush the membrane with a holding tank.You can purchase a flush valve from Air Water Ice. It hooks up after the RO unit and lets water flow over the membrane to flush any particles off of it. When you turn the valve to the flush position I'm pretty sure it lets all the water flow out of the waste line.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
We're still getting 0tds (at last check about a month ago) out of our RO/DI going on a year and a half with no change and thousands of gallons.

Hey Jeff, how did the blackout work for you?
I'm about 200 gallons on my DI that I changed out right after the AWI buy with 0 tds and not even a hint of color change. My RO into the DI unit usually runs between 2 and 4ppm.
The black out worked pretty well but i put the 50/50s on today and let them go a little to long. started to see the algae coming back so I just blew off the rocks with a baster and cut back the lighting period. Seems to be coming back on the areas with low flow. I'll have to adjust the uotputs of the second pump.
I'm wondering if I've got something in my water that isn't filtered by the membrane but reacts with the DI resin. Any water chemistry experts out there?
right now i'm running 10mc sediment > 5 mc carbon > 1mc carbon > RO membrane > 3 canisters of DI resin into a 55G reservior with 4 cups carbon and powerhead for circulation. I think if anything gets through that it can stay!