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How Often Do You Change Your Filter Socks?

Hello everyone, this is the first setup where my sump includes a single 4 Inch Filter Sock as a part of its filtration. However, I'm noticing the my 100 Micron and 200 Micron Filter Socks start to overflow every 4 days. Also I read in the instructions that you can actually wash the filter sock in the washer machine. My questions are this.

1. How often do you have to change your filter socks?
2. How do you clean your filter socks? Do you wash out your filter socks in the wachine machine?
3. Do you just replace your filter socks every time they start to overflow?
- I changed my filter sock everyweek
- I put them on the washing machine with bleech and let it dry for 2 days ...
- I really dont wait till it overflows .. If you wait then you will have a hard time cleaning it..
I change my filter sock every 3 days.
I turn them inside out and machine wash with just RO waste water.
My socks are just about overflowing in 3 days.
1) Everyday or every other day
2) In the machine with bleach
3) Above for the 180, overflow method for the 75 softie.
Every 2-4 days because it varies... I usually turn it inside out and clean it by using the spray attachment on the sink... They do clog up very fast but thats obviously because their doing a good job...
hello. sorry to ask a dumb question but what is the benefit of the filter sock. by using it are you keeping nutrients down there by eliminating the need for chaeto or other macro algae?

i'm curious b/c i've seen folks like yourselves using them but i haven't really bought into the concept as i'm not fully understanding the benefit you reap from it.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
NJ_ychung1 said:
hello. sorry to ask a dumb question but what is the benefit of the filter sock. by using it are you keeping nutrients down there by eliminating the need for chaeto or other macro algae?

i'm curious b/c i've seen folks like yourselves using them but i haven't really bought into the concept as i'm not fully understanding the benefit you reap from it.

The socks trap the larger chunks of waste (uneated food, algae clumps). Without it, these parts will settle in your sump. If they get entanged in your rock in the sump or refug, then as they decompose the become a source of Nitrate.

If you are using 100 Micron socks, 3 day is about the best you can expect. If you move to the nylon ones (more permanent, more washings) and work in the 150 or 200 micron catagory, you can get about a week.

The socks you buy in the LFS are usually 100 micron felt and you et charged between $8 to $13. They start to disintegrate after abour the 8-10th washing. I buy the nylon ones, they can be washed over 500 times and the micron rating is much more accurate (Actual vs Nominal). When purchased in bulk, they can be as low as $3. I would recommend using 150 or 200 micron socks for daily use and keep a 50 micron around for cleanup purposes after rearranging your tank.

I usually run a personal (non-NJRC sponsored) group buy on these once a year. You can get them here: http://www.filterbags.com/filter_bag_pricing.htm
The site has a good tutorial on the different types. Ginny in sales (you work with her via email) is great to work with.
1. About every 4-6 days (depending on how dirty they are)
2. Turn inside out, wash in machine with bleach, rinse twice, and air dry
3. I have 3 sets of filter socks, so I'll be good for a while. For me they last about a year or so.
I change my filter socks twice a week.
I turn them inside out and machine wash with Bleach.
I wash them when they are almost overflowing which is every 3-5 days.