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"If you want to upgrade your tank I want you to upgrade my front porch!"

You think those vents will be enough for the radion? You might need to cut vents right above where the fans are
You think those vents will be enough for the radion? You might need to cut vents right above where the fans are

I think they should be enough. Each fixture will sit pretty much under both vents just I pushed the vents back a bit so the hood won't crush them when I open it. Plus in the summer I have 2 little 4" desk fans that sit inside on each end. They are hooked up to my apex to help keep the water temp from getting above 79.
Excellent job on the hood Matt! Seems like everything is falling into place. :applause:

Thanks! Now it is just a waiting game. I was hoping to have the stand by now but still nothing. I still need to skin it. I will say that the people who are building the tank are starting to go from an A+ rating to an A. there communication skills are slipping.
I started to build the stand door.



It will be just hung on with those "Z" clips or whatever they are. I want to have as much access as possible. the easier I make i make the maintenance the more likely i will DO the maintenance.

I finished how i am going to hang the lights in the canopy and thanks to George i will be able to do it the way i wanted.
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I think the warm air will flow steadily out of those vents, as long as there is a room air inward vent below the heat source to create an upmoving draft out the upper vents
I just got this in the mail today from FlexPVC.com I went with the UltraFlex stuff. it looks awesome!
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Full review on that PVC Matt. I'll be needing some soon. Wondering how well it straightens out. The regular flex doesn't seem to
Like being straight and I'm afraid it would put to much stress on the connect points.
Boil water pour down tube to heat and pour out water, lay in snow and fix it in a straight position. A hair dryer can help too but hot water works best.
I don't think I am too worried about it coiling up. I laid it on the floor and it sits pretty straight. I am wondering if that is what the difference is between the regular and the ultra. I did however go put it in one of my boiler rooms and straightened it out. it gets super hot in their. tomorrow I will take it out. I will have to find something cold to stick it in... I wonder what the mountains of white stuff is outside. I don't think that should be a problem!

However I have to etch this last batch of rock and I can't because my outside hose I frozen and buried in snow
Between playing taxi and driving nurses to and from work all day I got another coat of paint and spar on the stand door.


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Tank is done!

Unfortunately i am not able to get the stand before hand as we agreed upon. (that is a totally different story that i may or may not decide to share lol) that being said if not being to skin the stand before i pick up the tank and have it ready is my only speed bump then everything is all good!

Friday is when i have to go to Toms River to get them both...
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So I went to pick up just the stand today & was able to fit both stand & tank!

First thing I did was made sure the canopy and cabinet door fits.

I didn't take a picture of the canopy on it yet.

Now the real question is do I call out of work tomorrow...
(I did schedule Friday & Monday off about a month ago when I found out it would be done)
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Now that I have the tank and stand and I am off till Tuesday expect a MILLION posts. Hah!

Today at work I cut and glued 2 pieces of plywood together to put in the base of the stand for the sump to sit on. Thanks to George

I am going to redgard the bottom to help with spillage.

It's dry now so it's all red. I'm thinking about painting the entire of the stand red... Maybe tint the rest of the can of Killz I have with red paint.
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