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Is it PEST ?

are they moving? stationary? It's hard to tell from the pic...they may be harmless sponges if stationary...
If I were to guess - you have very very slow flow in that section of the tank? Do you have powerheads pushing water in that section of the tank?

There are sponges - "pineapple" sponges - sorry i don't have the scientific name handy...they usually show up the sump of big tanks...if it is those sponges - they are completely harmless. Not pretty-but harmless.

The first pic makes them look like worms or bugs or something - but the second pic is what leads me to conclude they are sponges...the "mouths" at the end - they look circular -like the sponges in my sump....and they are all aimed in one direction.

Anyways until there is a better pic - my guess is sponges.
Thank you, you are probably right. Behind the rock is not much flow, this aquarium is very narrow and the rock is just against the back wall. That's why I'm looking for larger aquarium, but no luck yet.
need a better focused pic. I have tunicates all in my returns and sump. also on the undersides of some rocks. The way its described sound like a possibility
Trying to post better pictures ???




Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
From my experiance, the clear flatworm are not a problem. I had a bunch and they just went away after a while. Wrasses snack on them. They don't appear to have the batman tales like my though. Maybe they are some other larvae of some sort. Stomanella snails possibility.
my vote is some sort of sponge, I have things like that in my sump and in the back of my aquapod... not flatworms, they don't move at all and look like a flat sponge type thing that I also sometimes see on my rock. The pineapple sponges stick out straight and have a little tuft at the top, these things (if they are the same thing I have) are flat up against the wall.