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Jgraz's Finally a Proper Tank 90 Upgrade

I have some red macro algae ...I believe dragon breath and a few others( not sure of names) for your refugium. I can drop them off at the next meeting let me know. Sorry to reply on this thread but I was in able to do so on your other one. I also have some ulva...a green macro of you want. All free.

Also been tossing around ideas for my next round of fish. After much research today I've definatly decided on a melenarus wrasse. That's one. Planning on a small if I can find one. Also I have been wanting a six line wrasse since my first tank. So I'm considering that also. What other wrasses could I put in here? Also what other suggestions does everyone have for stock. I currently have two Ocellaris clowns, hippo, kole, and a blue spot watchman. My wife really wants a yellow tang. I know I'm pushing it with 3 tangs, but I may have no other choice. Besides its better then her other choices which are a clown tang and blonde naso. I had to explain that neither are gonna happen. Anyway all ideas are welcome. Thank for looking.

I have a maleranis that I am looking to get rid of if your interested shoot me a pm..


Officer Emeritus
Staff member
I would look at a flasher wrasse pair. A 90 is plenty of room, they are beautiful, reef safe, lots to choose from that are not to pricey. That all hinges on a cover though as they are jumpers.

A thank you to KathyC at Manhattan reef for the netting. It allowed me to make my mesh tops last night.


Just in time. I'll be picking up a wrasse soon.
That's it for now.
Just thought I'd share a FTS with all fish present. Everything is looking good. Pretty much most of my corals are looking good. I did bleach one definatly. Not sure what it is though, some type of acro. The only other coral I am at issue with is my cali tort that looks OK. And really that just might be me. Also, picked up a melanarus wrasse from Mike(greybolt). He made the transfer great and gets along we'll with everyone except for falling snails. I have a lot of empty shells as of late, hermits are no worse for wear though. A deep red coralline is spreading like mad. I'm amazed how these rocks have colored up. Still waiting on the purples though. Well that's about it more updates soon.
I was looking in the sump last night and found an awful discovery. A 7" long crack in the back of it. Don't know what caused it, or even how long it's been there. It goes from the return section into the refugium. I'm not exactly sure what's holding it together right now, but I'm thankful that it is. Now I'm in the market for a new one. Of course I happens during frag swap savings season.


I'm hoping it holds out until I can get a new one.
Started the new sump today. I'll finish up the baffles tomorrow. Hopefully I'll get things installed by the end of next week. Work in progress.
As a tip......

Turn the tank on the end standing up in one of the short sides... then use something as a spacer.

So for example turn up on end and use a few DVD cases on top of the baffle that is in place already then glue it in. And then so on. Then you don't have to worry about taping them.

Not sure if it makes sense to you..

Sent from the iPhone killer AKA Samsung Galaxy S3
As a tip......

Turn the tank on the end standing up in one of the short sides... then use something as a spacer.

So for example turn up on end and use a few DVD cases on top of the baffle that is in place already then glue it in. And then so on. Then you don't have to worry about taping them.

Not sure if it makes sense to you..

Sent from the iPhone killer AKA Samsung Galaxy S3

That is genius. Never even thought about it.
Sump complete. Should be in service later this week.


Also since the skimmer section is deeper I needed a stand so here you go.


Staff member
Board of Directors
NJRC Member
Aweesome job!!! Did the glass cutters but the teeth on the glass as well?
From page 1 till the end I just read it all! I enjoyed every bit of it. I like reading peoples tale that also have a 90g.
Aweesome job!!! Did the glass cutters but the teeth on the glass as well?

I made the teeth with a piece of 1/4" acrylic I had laying around. I just used silicone to attach to the glass. I was hoping that the acrylic would hold well since silicon doesn't hold acrylic well. I tried to pull is off with my hands and it wouldn't budge. I did cut some small squares of glass to help wedge it in but I don't think I'll need them.
New sump online. Took forever. But I'm very happy with the outcome. Ultimately it added about 10 more gals to my system. Total volume is right around 29 gals. The refugium is just over 15 gals.



Looks nice. Might want to raise the water level in the rightmost chamber, to avoid that little waterfall sending bubbles into the DT.