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Kenya Tree Question

I have had a Kenya Tree for 4 monthes. It was doing great growing and dropping branches like crazy. The branches have hooked on and are growing all over and doing great. Out of no where it looks as if the original two main stalks that I bought and that propigated the rest of my tank have dies. They have shrunk and will not open for about 4 days now. Does this sound common? Is there a need to get it out of the tank or can I leave it in to see what happens?
It really depends what else you have in the tank and if you are running enough carbon to absorb the toxins.
When I had my softie tank I had a very large Kenya tree die and I did not feel like removing it. A week latter I started loosing other corals and by the end of week 2 half the corals in the tank had died
If the water parameters are k do not worry about them shrinking up for a few days that's normal. May just be shedding its skin or just doing it for no reason. I have over twenty and if one dies, very infrequent, it just shrinks up to nothing, never fouls the tank. You can give it some current, sometimes that wakes them up. as per chemical warfare, I believe that they are harmless, had them grow next to and even touch many types of corals and they never had a effect.
I have a tone of Kenya branches everywhere so I pulled out the main rock and cut off the two stalks that appeared to have died with a razor. I put it back in and doubled my carbon just in case. Bubble Coral, zoos, hammer, mushrooms all made it fine but my green star p's appear to have dies as they have not opened for 4 days since I removed the kenya Trees. Not sure it was related but it seems like it is. The stars were doing really well up to that point. I'm holding out hope because one or two of the hundreds of little heads are still coming out.
i have a huge kenya tree in my tank, about 9-10 inches wide. it has spread, dropping babies all over. i remove any of the new droppings and pass them on to whomever wants them. the main stalk does goes into a hibernation type state everyone once and a while. this usually lasts 3-4 days or so. just leave it alone. as long as nothing crazy is going on with your water parameters or any of the other corals in your tank, i would say it is safe to assume it will be back to normal in a few days.
GSP's will clsoe for days when disturbed. If you see some peeking, leave them alone.

What are your pararmeters? Especially CA, ALK, MG and nitrates.

Change anything lately? When was your last waterchange?
I think it was just a freak thing. It never opened back up so I cut it off and put the rock back in the tank. It is now regrowing where I cut it off.
blange3 said:
GSP's will clsoe for days when disturbed. If you see some peeking, leave them alone.

What are your pararmeters? Especially CA, ALK, MG and nitrates.

Change anything lately? When was your last waterchange?

mine could care less half the time and some stay open when i move them or touch them ...
For no resaon that I know of my pulsating xenia closed up and looked dead (2 stalks). As per advice I left it alone and after a few days it came back to life larger than before.
I have been eyeing up kenya trees for sale in the forums and would like to know if they can cause damage to a tank if they die? If they won't then I will look to make a purchase. Thanks
aperret2 said:
I have been eyeing up kenya trees for sale in the forums and would like to know if they can cause damage to a tank if they die? If they won't then I will look to make a purchase. Thanks

Where are you located?
When you get 25 posts you can PM...designed to keep the sales guys from just swooping in and posting crap for sale. As you are aware we are a non profit organization so try to cut out that stuff as much as possible. Welcome to the board.


flukeoutofwater is a friend of me and scottyrock so im just asking if he fastend it to anything thats all stop removing my threads please...
I have had them shrivel up for days ... if you fasten(super glue) them down they have done that to me too. They are about as hardy as anything.
I had a similar problem just last night. It shrunk down to a closed state for no apparent reason. Perhaps the colony was feeling bitchy, who knows. What I do know is that it opened up today with a vengeance.