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Last Ditch Effort

Well, Since the 2008 frag swap I acquired Bryopsis Algae on one of the frags I bought. I have been battling this Algae for about a year and it has killed most of the coral in my tank. I am assuming it is mostly from me trying to pluck it off. It kills the cheato in my sump. I have tried a phosphate reactor, carbon, high magnesium, 3 different light combinations (I still regret selling my LED lighting), lots of hermits, fox face rabbit fish, Cole tank, lettuce nudibranches, lots of water changes, no water changes and this stuff keeps spreading. I am getting to the point where I may just drain the tank and call it a day. I have lost hundreds in corals as well as equipment (Buying and selling lights). I am not one for chemical fixes but I figured it is my only option remaining. I was able to get ahold of Algae X and I am now trying that. I did my first dose last night and all the livestock seems ok. Hopefully this will get rid of this devil algae. I can't believe how frustrating this algae can make you. If this doesn't work there will be a nice tank and equipment for sale soon. The fish would be ok to sell as well but all the coral and rock will be thrown out. I wouldn't want anyone else to have to deal with this stuff.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Mag should have killed it. How long have you been keeping the mag high and at what level?
Sorry to hear about your disappointment.
I had the magnesium at like 1600-1700 ppm for approximately 2.5 weeks. It slowed down the growth but did not wipe it out.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
If the Algae X don't work, do the high mag again for a longer time.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
mikem said:
If the Algae X don't work, do the high mag again for a longer time.

Also keep all of the lights out completely for the whole time. Since it doesn't seem that you have any coral left, it can't hurt.
if you survive this and wind up staying in the hobby. maybe consider vodka dosing...? i currently have hair algae as do you.... trying to keep it in check with vodka dosing, more freq water change and lights. as you, i lost some of my corals but i don't think it was directly related to the spread of hair algae. most of my corals seem to be okay with it as long as i keep it in check.


Staff member
NJRC Member
All I can tell you is that I had a bad case of hair algae in July. I ended up pulling all rocks and scrubbing them a brushes. The ones with many crevices I blasted with a pressure hose. No more HA but did get back some bubble algae. can't win them all. I also placed the rocks upside down in the tank in case I missed any it wouldn't get light.
NJ_ychung1 and madreefer - he doesn't have HA (hair algae) he has Bryopsis Algae.

My kole tang does nothing algae (but loves nori and cyclopeeze). ::)

ihop - is the LR not moveable? was thinking the last recourse would be to take the LR out and scrub it down in a bucket of waste water (after a water change).
i see. bryopsis seems it can be a number of diff algae.

2 primaries being. derbesia and plumosa. looks like derbesia appears more like hair algae and plumosa seems more like a fern leaf... interesting. thanks.
NJ_ychung1 said:
i see. bryopsis seems it can be a number of diff algae.

2 primaries being. derbesia and plumosa. looks like derbesia appears more like hair algae and plumosa seems more like a fern leaf... interesting. thanks.

actually - I was thinking of something else when I wrote that. :p So maybe ihop meant hair algae!
I have tried taking half the rocks out, letting them sit out for 3 days then pressure washing them and putting them back in and the stuff still grows back. This stuff is the devil! Round 2 of treatment tonight. No noticeable change as of yet. only 2 days in