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Leather deaths

Does anyone know why leathers die in the tank?
I've had my tank for 4 years now. Pretty much successfull with inverts and corals except for leathers. Everytime i add leathers in my tank they stay healthy for about a month and then they deteriorate. i change water every week sometimes even 2x a week so that the water is all pure and clean. i feed my corals once a week and feed my fish 3-4x a week. i add strontium, calcium, iodide & trace. i even put in 3 drops of iodine once a week. i'd love to get a fiji leather again but i'm hesitant that it's just going to die.
First of all don't dose anything you are not testing for. So if you are not testing for strontium and iodine do not add them. Odds are with the water change schedule you mention you don't need to add anything. Continue doing water changes once a week for the next month at a rate of around 20% a week then try another leather in a month you should see better results. DO NOT DOSE ANYTING during that month unless you have a heavy SPS tank then add ALK and Calcium as needed.
I have several leathers and found that if I dosed Lugols solution for Iodine the leathers would close up and wax over for days, not happy at all.
I will definitely try not adding anything else but i will have to keep adding calcium and alkalinity. i do have a few SPS in the tank that i really want to take care of.
Even with a few SPS you should still be OK with just the weekly water changes. I would test your calcium and Alk and try to figure out your daily consumption. Then you will know for sure.

Deleted member 10862

are you dosing at all besides the strontium and iodine? i have been daily dosing 2part cal and alk and my leathers are getting bigger and bigger!!
I stopped dosing calcium and alk for months now and noticed that my leathers were starting to shrink and look weird. I just started dosing 2 part cal and alk to see if they come back.