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Logan13103's 28 gal bow reef

logan13103 said:
Got new T5's, they really make the colors pop. Can you tell a difference?


TOTALLY different tank!

What bulb combo are you using?
Thanks guys!
I'm using:
2X ATI Blue plus's
2X ATI 12000k Aquablue Specials
1X 6000k Giesemann Midday
Got the combo off reefcentral, everyone with T5's was going with about these temperatures at this ratio. And I heard far too many good things about ATI to not get them.
One of my disc corals appears to be bleaching, so I have the lights going on and off every few hours. :-\


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
You're better off shortening the cycle, going 1/2 bulbs longer and all bulbs shorter or putting some mesh screen on the tank. Your corals/fish won't like the on/off thing too much. Occasional "cloud cover" isn't a bad thing, but you aren't going to want to thrust them into night time too often during the day. It will get their wake/feed/sleep cycles thrown off.
You're right. What about leaving the actinics on the current 12 hour setting and reducing the daylight to 5 hours and increasing it an hour a week?
logan13103 said:
You're right. What about leaving the actinics on the current 12 hour setting and reducing the daylight to 5 hours and increasing it an hour a week?

If you are going to do that I would go even more gradual than that and do 30 minutes each week. I have learned the hard way that the slower way it the better.
Ok, so with the reduced photoperiod the color already seems to be returning to the pink plate. Thanks for your help guys! Keeping my fingers crossed.
OK, so I went to the BIG frag swap, and only found another 11 frags to add to my tank. There was so much awesome livestock... I gotta get me a 210! Here are pics of a few of them...



Pokerstar Monti

Blastomussa ?Merletti?

Big ole mixed zoa rock


Green Yuma and Red shroom


Blue shroom

Any help with names is appreciated. I will post some pictures of the others when polyps open.
Special thanks to Boston Aqua Farms and Pacific East Aquaculture for taking the bulk of my money... ::)
Thanks for the comments guys. Figured I'd post a few updates.

Yes that is a tang, yes I know it's a 28 gal. I'm hoping he can help out with the caulerpa maintenance. I plan on getting a 220 eventaully but if that is not soon enough I'll be sure to find him a new, bigger, home. If he doesn't help I have been thinking about trying a LNS, such as open seas or adding prodibio to starve the caulerpa. And thanks to Will at AO for getting me a "tiny" tang.

I finally got a pink stylo


Duncans are looking great, I see a few new heads growing



Some new growth on my Acro. Makes me warm and fuzzy inside

My pokerstar monti looks to be encrusting the top of the frag plug

The clam is even hangin in there

OMG it sux! For a while I seemed to have it under control, with the monthly pruning. But I think it's the beefed up lights. I am seriously contemplating a low nutrient system to starve it if the tang get help. I think the main problem is it crowding out coral. I should probably cut back on feedings to, but my nitrates and phos are undetectable.
Keep us posted.

I don't know if you saw my tank thread, but a couple weeks ago I rescaped. In the process I removed every trace of the evil Grape that I saw. I was sure there was no way I got every bit, but I tried anyway. Sadly, it is already showing itself in several spots :'(....

I suppose there are MANY worse things we could have to deal with in our tanks though. :-\
Algae sux :mad: but everything looks really beautiful ;D. Maybe the evil grapes are doing some good. Lights are really sweet so I guess you get some bad with the good.
Just an update, added a few more rics and encrusting monti's. Lost a clown for an unknown reason, but the other inhabitants are all healthy. Tang seems to be ignoring the caulerpa, so he's gonna be going into the new 90 gal Will from AqOb hooked me up with.




