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looking for green.............


I'm interested buying a small frag of neon green nepthea, colt or sinuaria coral. I'm really looking for the NEON green versions of these corals and not the regular green. Also looking for a green long polyped leather frag, something ate the one I had.

sorta like it, the one we got is growing (slow) like a ball, it's weird, the toad grows more like a cup when it gets bigger. How's yours doing?
Mines got eaten by something, I never found a trace of it. And the guy we got them from isn't selling any frags right now.

That stinks, well as soon as mine is big enough to frag I'll save you a piece. I don't have candy cane at least not yet got quite a few heads that are starting to split but haven't fully yet.

Do you feel like taking a ride to ILC one day during the week? LMK

yeah, I don't mind, but I took off a couple of days from work recently and don't want to wear it out. BUT I'LL DEF let you know.
