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Macro Lens for Nikon

My GF has a D70 that I use more than she does, and I was wondering if anyone had a good macro lens they would recommend. I'm thinking 100mm would be great.

Her telephoto zoom has a macro setting at 300mm, but at that point its really hard to get enough light in, even with the halides on ;) and the macro focus isn't quite enough sometimes and requires a lot of moving around to make things work right


Tamron 90mm and the Sigma 105mm are both great choices. I'm 99% sure we have the sigma 105. Brian takes great shots of stuff in the tank with it, while I take pics of the dogs, flowers, etc.

I also have this great site I ordered ours from but it's on our other laptop. I'll post the link for you tomorrow. I think I saved well over $100 and they had free next day fedex shipping!


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
I have the Nikkor 105 and love it. Merv has the 60 and the 105 and prefers the 60 over the 105. I think Steve68 has the Sigma 105 (and he seems to take some great photos with it)!
Deb- Saving money in this hobby is always a good thing

Phyl- One of these day's i'll have to make it to a meeting and see/try some of these things out :D



Yeah Brett, we swap lenses for a few shots during the meetings too. You shoulda seen us during the December social. A D200, D80, D70 and another D-series Nikon were playing musical lenses. The canon guys were looking at all of us like we had 2 heads LOL