• Folks, if you've recently upgraded or renewed your annual club membership but it's still not active, please reach out to the BOD or a moderator. The PayPal system has a slight bug which it doesn't allow it to activate the account on it's own.

Might need a railroad from ILC to meeting on Saturday, anyone willing to help?

I'm looking to buy a 30g oceanic cube setup from someone who is willing to meet me at ILC on Saturday, that's about 1 1/2 hours from me and my 3yr old is a pain on long drives so Mike had the idea I could see if anyone was willing to bring it to the meeting and he'd grab it for me since he lives a few mins away.

I know the meeting starts at 1pm so timing might not work out pending what time the seller wanted to meet (waiting to hear back) but figured it couldn't hurt to ask just in case they can meet late morning.

Hi Deb

I know I'm still working on my husband to see if we could at least swing by (he's not a reefing type guy, and is pretty antisocial in general LOL)it's his last day home with us before a week business trip so I'm not sure :-\
If anyone is able the seller of the cube said they could meet anytime on Sat. (after ILC opens, he wants to check out the store)

Candi I am about 10 minutes from ILC and might be able to help you out. Let me check with the wife and make sure she doesn't have anything planned before the meeting.
Thanks, let me know :)

NP if you can't do it, as the wife I understand we sometimes have more important things to do (even if that is just running to Target hehe)
Re: Might need a railroad from ILC to meeting on Saturday, anyone willing to hel

If Aaron falls through let me know.. I can always help out too..
Aaron had something come up and isn't going to be able to assist me, sent a pm to Bill... but if anyone else might be able to get it for me (11:30 at ILC on Saturday) please let me know :)

Re: Might need a railroad from ILC to meeting on Saturday, anyone willing to hel

anyway to pick it up any earlier... i got lots of frags to get together before the meeting... if i could get it at say 8am-9am that would be great...
Hi Bill

No that won't work out (the seller hasn't been to ILC and wanted to check it out, it doesn't open till 10am so I'm sure he won't want to meet earlier). Thanks anyways though, I'll just plan on making the trip down on Sunday :)

Re: Might need a railroad from ILC to meeting on Saturday, anyone willing to hel

sorry about that... wish i could have helped you out...