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whats the best color for moonlights if i wanna see what critters come out at night. I have seen blue red and white lights in stores,whats best?
I think it's a matter of personal preference really. I know red wouldn't look natural to me... two of my tanks have blue although one is a bluer blue and one has white. I prefer the white or light blue the best, I think it's easier to see critters in a soft white moon like glow over a colored one.
I just installed the blue leds about two weeks ago, and they look really cool. Kind of erie at night with lots of shadows. I see more of my peppermint shrimp and emerald crabs during that time.
I got the light kit from Aquatic Obsessions in Avenel.

Kenny Z.
Blue is great astheticlly, but fish cannot see red light so you're able to see more going on. Use both depending on your mood.