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My 30 gallon cube tank - help!

If you want to incorporate a fuge but don't trust a sump why don't you look into a Aquaclear 820 HOB take a look around on RC in the nano forum, there are many who convert this HOB into a fuge. I can tell ya it works great I have a 12 gallon nano with an 820 on the back of it and my corals love it. In the media section I have a small bag of carbon and a wad of chaeto that grows like mad. Other than bi-weekly water changes thats the only thing i have filtering it. In fact I have to admit my nano tank looks better than my 150 with all its trick gadgets, big skimmer and reactors.
Tina some of my Zoa's "reach" like that when they need more light, are any corals or hair algae above the zoas blocking the "sun", did you notice this before the temp fluctuations?

Talonstorm said:
Here is a poor quality picture of what the zoas look like:


Please ignore the hair algae, lol.

Thanks again,
Water changes ... maybe hang a bag of phos and si removing medium. I have a small fuge set up in my tank and it has also helped a lot. I think since your Alk is so low the more water changes you make the better.
Nothing is blocking the light. It is even a new bulb, 14K 150 W Phoenix. And, now that there is no surface scum, they should be getting better light. They weren't doing this before the temperature problems. One thing that had had happened before the temp problems was the sharp decline in the green zoas. They looked like someone wrapped a string around the base and then they broke off. Some of them reattached on the bottom of the tank and opened up, but then I would look a few days later and they would be gone. Not quite sure what was happening with them.

I have been doing weekly water changes (about 30% or a bit more), should I do more than that? I also replaced my B-ionic, just in case. I was adding 10 ml of each part every other day or so, but I increased it to daily, I will check the alk again in a few days and see if it has gotten any better.

I wonder if I could fit a hang on fuge on the back if I moved around the positioning of the power heads, overflow, and sump return. It would have to be small, any suggestions? The overflow/sump are making me nervous, but the tank looks better than it has since before I moved, so I am hesitant to take it off. I have noticed that I get a lot more evaporation with this set-up. I am losing close to 3/4 gallon a day, before with just the bak-pak I was only losing about 1/4 gallon a day.

That is almost exactly the same schedule as mine. I would think that is sufficient. Since your back is open there are a lot of options for a fuge. http://www.nano-reef.com has a good number of tanks that have different solutions. Mine is in the back chamber...and is really small but it seems to be effective. I would suggest that you have it on the inverse light cycle of your tank. That should help out with the PH. I have mine light come on when the tank lights go out. Fairly simple setup really. Maybe when you got the surface cleaned up the zoas will settle back down?