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my 55g

i seem to be having a diatom problem :'( im doing lots of water changes and im gonna get some algae eaters. is it worthgetting a diatom filter
fishboy12 said:

do i have to get my water chemistry checked before i get a fish

You don't have an overflow do you? Anyways - I'm curious if you are getting a lot of salt spray from that spray bar. Unlike freshwater where it's fun to see lots of bubbles - bubbles in saltwater just create a lot of mess.

Diatom filters are not for saltwater tanks. Just let it be.

Also - it's unlikely in my opinion that you are getting yellow corraline...but that's my opinion. More likely the glow of diatoms.

Finally - YES - I cannot emphasize enough how important it is to check the water chemistry before adding a fish. Everything redfish stated already needs to be emphasized. Post up your results before purchasing anything else!
I'm. Pretty sure it is diatoms how can I get rid of them and I yea I took my water to get tested and it turned out fine so I got a perc and a bicolor psuedochromis how should I get rid of them they are getting bad covering all the rocks


NJRC Member
All new tanks go thru stages of algee blooms. You will see all kinds of diffent colored stuff growing. Snails and hermit crabs can help. But for the most part eventually it will pass. you can get a turkey baster and blow off anything that ends up on the rocks. 10% water changes a week it probably a good idea.
im ready to get some corals any suggestions i have a t-5 over top so i think i can get almost any wat kind should i get? sugestions please


NJRC Member
you will be very limited with that type of light. soft corals will survive under it but will not do really good.
i was wrong i have a candy coral not a torch coral i have recently got a frogspawn coral. and my newest addition a powder blue tang who is beautiful. i am thinking of getting an acan any good ones. ??? i now have a yellow tang a false perc a bi color psuedo a great seahorse a frogspawn a orange zoo colony a candy coral and a purple tip sebae anemone. i want some more corals any suggestions and how fast do zoo frags multiply jw
good luck with the two tangs in a 55. It's not ideal but hopefully they are of the smaller size. Be warned -the two are magnificent to look at but can overwhelm a 55. Maybe your tank is aquascaped adequately but most people just have pile of rocks and barely any room for the fish to swim.

Also - I'm surprised your fish have not completely eaten all the food from the seahorse.

You'd be doing the SH a favor by selling him or returning him to the LFS. Did they claim you could keep him in a tank with other fish like tangs and a bi-color pseudo?
:eek: You are braver then I am with two tangs in a 55. Honestly not a great situation, maybe not now but really soon they will outgrow the tank......but maybe that is the plan ;D. Good choice on corals. Second what Hawk said about the Seahorse. Bicolor pseudocromis can back down about anything in a small tank so pick his tankmates very carefully.
heres some photos havent posted in a while just borrowed my sisters camera ;D


purple tip seabae anemone

orange zoos about a month old

my precious powder blue tang

my zoo colony i got today

sry about the blurry pics camera is pretty old. but hey at least its a pic