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Mynd's Aquapod - 01.07.07

Just finished reading through your entire thread(really enjoyed all the details). Your tank is looking fantastic. I love all the mods you did.Where did you get those rics from? They look really good under your new lighting.Ill definitely continue to follow this thread. Looking forward to some updates.

Thanks everyone for the kind words and I appreciate you actually reading the whole post Rehype. Just an update on the tank as it is.

After installing the new lighting I have since moved my phosguard and purigen which I change out every 2 months now into the first chamber under the filter floss. I basically just rinse this off each week when I do a 3 gallon water change on Sunday, every week without fail. Read an article awhile ago that basically said that your fish and tank get used to the change and actually look forward to it. You should not deviate or extend your water changes even by a few days as the tank will suffer if you do.

I have added a nice patch of Cheato to chamber 2 along with a digital thermometer probe. ( best place since I know what the temperature is prior to chamber 3 ) which now has a stealth 50 watt heater in it ( during the winter only ) I did this to keep the thermoelectric chiller/heater from turning on so often. Now it does not come on at all and is basically there as a redundancy.

Since the changes were made I am happy to say I have a big fat ZERO on my nitrates, no matter how much I may pollute my tank during the Wednesday Feeding.. lol jk.. a little on the true side. However, and I strongly urge those who are considering phyto in their nanos. Only dose 1ml a week after a water change and no more. Use of phyto in a tank will promote red algae growth ( not to terrible but its there ) so only 1ml a week! Other than the small areas of red algae that appear out of no place. oddly enough there is not one strand of green algae anyplace.. the rocks are bare.

Everything seems to be growing well and the colors are starting to really POP. Unfortunately my camera does not have white balance so you are just going to have to deal with these photos as they are :D

Enjoy... I know you have seen them all before, but I have to show something .. heh









I have a few other corals to show you but they were also in peril and are still recovering as well. I happen to like getting corals that are burnt or on the edge. I get more out of bringing them back to life then just purchasing a live colony and staring at it. Nothing like hand feeding corals back to health. Kinda like serving your loved ones soup when they are sick :D

Happy New Year!
Hello there,

Just posting a FTS. Closing in on my 6 month mark in 4 days. Thanks for looking and being part of my progress, everyone!

Hey buddy looking good. I need to get buy see what your tanks looks like in person. I am really curious what it would look like under normal light. Just back from vacation so let me know.
Thanks for the kind words everyone.. Just going to throw up a couple photos of some frags I picked up from PNOY. One happens to be a tyree birdnest and the other some off the wall mushroom that has changed countless times in color in my tank due to lighting changes. Don't know what the zoa's are that are connected to the shroom, but happen to think they are really cool. Also I have a new zoa called Hello Kitties, which is just sweet! Enjoy!



thanks everyone.. I have a few more under the moonlights and then I am done for another month.. Thanks for looking!






Ok, so I am going to post some photo updates along with a new coral that is so special to me. I have been seeking this coral for a long time. It is a transparent branching hammer coral. I hope it remains happy! Enjoy!




and the others :D







Have a nice day :D Thanks for looking..
Hello All and Thanks for the comments.. Hey JR everyone is feeling better so we gotta make some time for you to stop over and see the tank. Let me know what works for you. There is no better feeling then having people comment on your tank, so understand how much I appreciate everyone that does. I just wish I could get better photos of the whole tank for you all to see. One day I will get or borrow a decent camera and do so. Thanks again everyone!
Alright it's been a month.. well 2 days shy of 8 months.. I know from the main FTS you can't really see much, but I figured I would post it anyhow.. Here are some new photos that my lovely wife took under the new 20k bulb, which actually seems to be less blue then my phoenix. It is a coralife 20k 150w DE HQI.. I really do like it.. Only time will tell if the corals do too. Enjoy!













