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New 2.5g Nano - upset the apple cart by adding Fission Skimmer!

Hi! New to this forum, but not real new to the fish world. Just getting into live rock, etc. - thinking I upset my little 2.5g reef tank by adding a Fission Skimmer. My Feather Duster left it's tube, and the little blue and brown leather mushroom guys are all shrivelled up! The Clown is still swimmy and happy and so are the two Sexy Dancers ... but I'm worried about the duster. I've since taking the darn skimmer out - did some reading on it, and it appears most folks don't like it anyway. And, do I really need one?

BTW, this was an impulse buy - my LFS had the whole thing established and setup, bought it as is, and it was 100% until I went and disturbed it, re: the skimmer.

Live pix below. You can see the tube ... and the duster outside, but to the right of it. :( ??? Refresh your page or check out my FishCam for a real-time view of the tank(s).


Sandee | NJ

125g - Oscars, Col. Sharks, Rotkiel, Parrots, Flagtail, Geophagus, Goby, Silver Dollars
(2) 125g - Ton of Synos n Cichlids (mild and aggressive)
75g - Un-happy Oscar
55g - Happy Buttakoferi in solitary
90g - Little RTC, soon to be big RTC
75g - Happy Fahaka
39g - Moody Mbu Puffer
29g - Very cheerful GS Puffer
20g - My little Cichlid Babies!
20g - More little Cichlid Babies!
10g - Quarintine Tank

2.5g - Reef with Clown, Sexy Dancers and some crawly things, as well as a Duster and 'shrooms.
90g - Porcupine Puffer, Tang, Green Wolf Eel, Triger
20g - Saltwater reserve
75g - TBD

Live Fishcam:


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Hi Sandee, welcome to NJRC. Sorry to hear about your troubles in your nano. I've never used a skimmer in mine, so I can't comment as to whether or not the one you used caused your problem.

I read your list of tanks, though! Holy Smokes you have a lot of them!

Welcome again.
Yup, that's what I figure I'll do - but thanks for chiming in! Great site ...

Sandee | NJ

125g - Oscars, Col. Sharks, Rotkiel, Parrots, Flagtail, Geophagus, Goby, Silver Dollars
(2) 125g - Ton of Synos n Cichlids (mild and aggressive)
75g - Un-happy Oscar
55g - Happy Buttakoferi in solitary
90g - Little RTC, soon to be big RTC
75g - Happy Fahaka
39g - Moody Mbu Puffer
29g - Very cheerful GS Puffer
20g - My little Cichlid Babies!
20g - More little Cichlid Babies!
10g - Quarintine Tank

2.5g - Reef with Clown, Sexy Dancers and some crawly things, as well as a Duster and 'shrooms.
90g - Porcupine Puffer, Tang, Green Wolf Eel, Triger
20g - Saltwater reserve
75g - TBD
120g - Picking it up this weekend! :)

Live Fishcam:
Hello welcome aboard. Glad to see some mixed fish people here. I too love cichlids and salt both.

Now about the ()*&^*(& fission skimmer. Get rid of it. Do your water changes. Likely you have micro bubbles(I never could get rid of mine), which I believe will aggitate some of your tank occupants.

Two ways to look at it you get a little pump, you wasted 25 bucks, or luckily it was only 25 bucks. Whatever it is they should not be allowed to sell them. I have never heard of anyone getting one to work.
Sandee said:
90g - Porcupine Puffer, Tang, Green Wolf Eel, Triger

In this tank, I noticed the air bubbles in the back of the tank - do you find that you get a ton of salt creep from having that in your tank? I was watching this via fishcam#4.

Regarding fishcam#1 - from what I've read about feather dusters, they need to be fed and the way the food is ingested is that it goes in from behind the crown...I know it sounds illogical but you can check with Dr. Ron Shimek. Anyways - when a duster drops it's crown, the worm basically is sloughing off the crown because the crown is used to pull in food. If there is insufficient food in the tank, then there is no need to have such a large crown since it is a big energy saper for the worm. It will grow a new crown, but you should consider either target feeding or adding something to ensure the duster will get it's needed food.

Neat cams...you'll have to share maybe somewhere else how that is all set up. Be interested in learning.

Welcome to NJRC!
Great site - nice folks here, thanks ...

Yes, the 90g tank has bubbles - the husband likes them, yes, salt all over the glass canopy - but I try to keep it clean. The Trigger has fun in the bubbles actually.

YES! The worm has poked his little head out once or twice, and I see he's grown a new crown! SO HAPPY! The mushroom thingies seem to be ... not so good, but keeping an eye on everything - params ok.

In other news, setting up a new 120g salt tank this weekend - that's #18!

And yes, love the FishCams. Great to check in on the activity from the road, of while out to eat - great via BlackBerry! ;)

Sandee | NJ

125g - Oscars, Col. Sharks, Rotkiel, Parrots, Flagtail, Geophagus, Goby, Silver Dollars
(2) 125g - Ton of Synos n Cichlids (mild and aggressive)
75g - Un-happy Oscar
55g - Happy Buttakoferi in solitary
90g - Little RTC, soon to be big RTC
75g - Happy Fahaka
39g - Moody Mbu Puffer
29g - Very cheerful GS Puffer
20g - My little Cichlid Babies!
20g - More little Cichlid Babies!
10g - Quarintine Tank

2.5g - Reef with Clown, Sexy Dancers and some crawly things, as well as a Duster and 'shrooms.
90g - Porcupine Puffer, Tang, Green Wolf Eel, Triger
20g - Saltwater reserve
75g - TBD
120g - Picking it up this weekend!

Live Fishcam:
btw - is that you in the pic (avatar?) funny shot.

This is a minor request - I noticed your sig appears to be in the actual post. You can update your profile and place all the tank info there. This way when I quote your posts, it won't repeat all that tank info in the quote.

The trigger must be camera shy because I didn't see it...the puffer and tang were camera hogs though. LOL.

if you are interested - there is link here to introduce yourself:
Welcome To NJRC! Take a minute to introduce yourself
Yeah, sorry about that - a bit of a show off I guess, 377 charaters won't hold all my tanks! Just shortened it to something else ...

Here's the Trigger and the Porc, very handsome guys. Thanks for watching!



Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
That picture is REALLY cool. Almost surreal. Very neat. That would have made a great POTM!

Oh and ... Thanks for shortening the signature! ;D

So that means I can't post the picture of the Trigger and Porc? Since I already posted it? Just want to confirm ...



Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Sadly correct! Hopefully you have another good one up your sleeve! ;D