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New tank questions

I've torn down my tank and placed everything in rubbermaid tubs and my spare tanks to get ready for a new floor in my living room this week. Now we're thinking - how about that new tank, it seems the right time to do it??? I can get a 180 delivered by Wednesday and new lights won'to take that long to arrive.

We've been thinking about a BB but I haven't really researched how to set one up. Do I need anything on the bottom of the tank - I remember years ago people were using Starboard - is that still the norm? If so, where does one get it? Quickly?

Anything special that needs to be set up for a BB? Other than great flow?

My other option is to just part everything out and put a great TV in my living room. I lost two of my fish in the move - Can't figure out why - I used my existing water into my QT tank but after dinner both my Foxface and my Bicolor Angel were very, very dead. The PJs and the clowns are fine.



Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
You could still put starboard down. I don't think Billy put anything on the bottom (well zoas and ricordia eventually). You could go either way.

I don't think a TV would look as good in that spot!

Sorry about the loss of your fishies. :-(
Phyl said:
You could still put starboard down. I don't think Billy put anything on the bottom (well zoas and ricordia eventually). You could go either way.

I don't think a TV would look as good in that spot!

Sorry about the loss of your fishies. :-(

I would definately do the tank versus the TV. I would not use anything on the bottom if your going BB. sorry about the fish loss, i've been there so i know it sucks

good luck


NJRC Member
You could what I did,my wife got her 46" LCD TV on the wall and accross from that is my 120 reef so It worked out for both


NJRC Member
i think this tank still available...
he have everything else gone...
except the tank/stand, and light.
katlongo said:
We've been thinking about a BB but I haven't really researched how to set one up. Do I need anything on the bottom of the tank - I remember years ago people were using Starboard - is that still the norm? If so, where does one get it? Quickly?


Try this site: Custom Cutting Boards

I saw at least one reefer get it on another board and she really liked it.

In a reef tank with white sand, a fair amount of light will get reflected back up off the sand for your corals.

Similarly, if I were to go BB, I'd consider adding this to help reflect the light.

That stated, unless your diligent about removing coralline algae, I dunno if the board will help anymore since it will likely get completely covered in purple down the road...
Thanks for the suggestions..I found an RC thread that was waaay old that did a very good job of step-by-step directions on how to convert to a BB. My tank and stand are ordered. I've got the old tank and stand up for sale. Some of my rocks are cooking in the garage -- I'm ready to go!

Just need to figure out the lights - I'm thinking a Constellation as I really want all T5s and don't want a canopy.

Definitely going to go with Starboard on the bottom. I've had two rock slides in my DSB and couldn't imagine one on a BB.

Thanks to everyone for the condolences on the fish. I've lost everything except my PJ Cardinals, my corals and my inverts. Can't figure out what happened. I have to assume that there was some type of contamination in the hose or pump that I used as it affected three different holding tanks.

Good luck with the new tank Kat.

I'm sorry for your fish loss.

Of course I'm probably the only one who also grieves for the loss of all those tiny, fascinating creatures that lived in your sandbed! ;)
Bill-- Don't mourn too much for the critters in my sandbed. They are alive and well in someone else's tank. I've also placed some of them in my hubby's tank so that I can visit them from time to time. :)

And, now I get to plan new fishies! My first time through it took me 4 months to decide what I wanted in the tank and two more months to actually find what I wanted (I'm very picky about my pets).