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New upgrade

Just purchased a 45g, currently running a 20g. I plan on using a DSB, my Tunze 9002 skimmer (rated for 52g tanks) around 55lbs of LR and 2 powerheads. Do I need still need to use a filter? I currently have an emperor 280 but would rather go with a canister to hid in my stand, if necessary. If the answer is yes on the filter, can you recommend a good canister. I've read that Eheim's are the best.

Congratulations on the upgrade and welcome to NJRC.

What are your plans for stocking the new tank?

What and how much you plan on keeping determines what you need to do filtration wise.

Will this be a reef or fish only system?

If you bioload isn't high and you keep up with water changes,you might not need additional filtration. A small canister would be good for running media like carbon. I run Fluval canisters on tanks without sumps for carbon. With a sump I prefer reactors like a phosban reactor.

Tell us more and I'm sure you'll get lots of suggestions.
Currently running a 20g that I will transfer to my new 45. I have 2 true percs, 1 royal gramma and 1 domino damsel. Corals; 1 sun coral, 8 mushrooms, 1 mushroom toadstool, 1 4-headed candycane, 2 zoo polyps with about 20 heads each and a kenya thats self fragging. Inverts, 1 cleaner shrimp, 10 snails, 2 emerald green crabs and around 8 blue legged hermits.

I hope to add a flame angle,a heniochus butterfly (still need to research compatibility), a few ricordias and a RTBA for the clowns.

I'm usually not a big fan of canister filters on reef systems. If not cleaned regularly, they tend to become dirt traps, and turn into nitrate factories.

If you had a much larger tank, I'd be recommending going with an overflow and sump. However, this can be overkill on a 45 gal tank.

In a tank your size, a canister can be a good choice, provided you clean it often, at least weekly.

Eheim canisters are good, but you usually only want to use them for mechanical and chemical media. You don't need or want the bio media, because you bought all that live rock, right? That's the bio media in a reef system.
DaveK said:
I'm usually not a big fan of canister filters on reef systems. If not cleaned regularly, they tend to become dirt traps, and turn into nitrate factories.

If you had a much larger tank, I'd be recommending going with an overflow and sump. However, this can be overkill on a 45 gal tank.

In a tank your size, a canister can be a good choice, provided you clean it often, at least weekly.

Eheim canisters are good, but you usually only want to use them for mechanical and chemical media. You don't need or want the bio media, because you bought all that live rock, right? That's the bio media in a reef system.

Should I bag the filter and use my LR for filtration coupled with a power head for water movement? I'd rather spend the $$ on a better lighting system.
Birds Fan said:
Should I bag the filter and use my LR for filtration coupled with a power head for water movement? I'd rather spend the $$ on a better lighting system.

I would. Stay away from high end SPS that demand pristine water conditions and you'll be OK. Also, don't increase the fish load too much. I would rethink the Heniochus as well. If you do get the proper species that doesn't eat coral, it will eventually outgrow the 40.
Birds Fan said:
Should I bag the filter and use my LR for filtration coupled with a power head for water movement? I'd rather spend the $$ on a better lighting system.

You could consider this option. If you are going to do this, I would recommend a large powerful hang on the tank skimmer. I would also use pumps built for flow, such as Tunze streams, rather than power heads.

As noted, watch your fish load, and I recommend you look around for something other that a heniochus butterfly, as they will eats corals, and will outgrow the tank.
I would go with no media with either the emperor or the canister. The empty canister adds water volume and can make water changes easier. By being able to close the valves and dump/refill the canister the tank sees no change. The emperor adds flow and surface agitation coupled with the ability to quickly toss a bag of media when needed.

Since you own the emperor that would be my first choice. In addition, later if you decide the 20 could be turned into a sump if need be.

What brand powerheads do you have now BTW?
vangvace said:
I would go with no media with either the emperor or the canister. The empty canister adds water volume and can make water changes easier. By being able to close the valves and dump/refill the canister the tank sees no change. The emperor adds flow and surface agitation coupled with the ability to quickly toss a bag of media when needed.

Since you own the emperor that would be my first choice. In addition, later if you decide the 20 could be turned into a sump if need be.

What brand powerheads do you have now BTW?

I'm going to purchase a Koirala 2 powerhead I think a 3 may be too much. Don't have room for the emperor anymore so maybe I'll go with the canister question.