• Folks, if you've recently upgraded or renewed your annual club membership but it's still not active, please reach out to the BOD or a moderator. The PayPal system has a slight bug which it doesn't allow it to activate the account on it's own.

NJRC Has Been Selected ...


NJRC Member
This is great news...

My wife, kids & my manager would be thrilled to hear this. Another cool thing to keep me engrossed all the time. ;D


wow. a lot of reading up to do.... now how do i import all the pages from my tank build thread? hmmmm......

for blogger there's a image button, it's the same with WordPress. So you can upload pics. I have several blogs, one on Wordpress already, they are Christian based. It's easy to do, let me know if anyone needs help.



Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Merv Rubiano said:
wow. a lot of reading up to do.... now how do i import all the pages from my tank build thread? hmmmm......

If you figure it out let me know!! :)


NJRC Member
ReefDrumz said:
If you figure it out let me know!! :)

Instead of figuring out how to import all your existing pages to blog, you two can start a new tank to blog about it. Just a thought. :)


ooops sorry Arvin, hit the wrong button. I wanted to quote you instead of modify LOL


Arvind said:
ReefDrumz said:
If you figure it out let me know!! :)

Instead of figuring out how to import all your existing pages to blog, you two can start a new tank to blog about it. Just a thought. :)

i would get a divorce from my fiancee, and we're not even married yet!

i told her i wanted to setup a discus tank the other day (not bare bottom, but with laterite LOL)and she gave me "the look"
I'm just about to move tanks. I think that could make a great blog start. Do I have to pay for the RC premium membership in order to use it? I followed the link, but it said I couldn't creat a new blog.

Also, (since I'm new)what's the deal with the llama?


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Yes, you do need to be a premium member in order to create a blog.


NJRC Member
Merv Rubiano said:
i would get a divorce from my fiancee, and we're not even married yet!

May be you should add a Reef Clause in your pre-nup. ;D

All kidding aside, I am just wondering, why cant we explore the possibilities of adding a blog feature on this website? With so many people starting their tank threads, I think it may be a great idea. We can make it as a members only feature which can be another incentive to join the club.