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Octopus skimmer?

Honestly, I wouldn't advise getting the dual skimmer. I have the CPR Backpack dual on my 55. It looks nice and when I can get it adjusted right it works great. The problem is getting it adjusted because you have to balance out one side against the other which can be a real pain in the ....

My suggestion would be to get 2 single skimmers instead of the dual one. It may cost a few dollars more, but it is much easier to adjust each one indvidualy and you can put them one on either end of the tank.

I am running an Octopus on my tank now.

If you can swing the extra $30 and have the room, why not shoot for the NW-150. Mod that thing out for the air intake and the mesh mod and you will have a kill skimmer for a great price.

If you want to go lower price, the NW-110 is $134 and is rated for 90 gallon. Remember though, do not always trust the recommended tank size spec the manufacturer gives you.

Are you limited on space, hence the need for hang on?
kind of limited on space, I'm having a sump built out of a 16 gallon high tank and I'm not too sure how much room there is in there for a skimmer, so I was planning on hanging it on the sump instead of inside it, but I'm pretty sure I'm picking up a 90 next week and would need a bigger sump than the 16 gallon