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Okay I'll admit it; I'm lost. Help.

I know what a sump is, I kinda have a grasp of what its benefits are, but how do I make one? I have an eye on a 30 gal oceanic sump being sold by a member here so let's use that as a base. I have phobsan reactor already hooked to my cube with a dedicated pump (which is in Chamber 1) I also have a CPR SR 3 Skimmer in Chamber 2.

I do not want to drill my tank. Plumbing would have to consist of Rubber tubing PVC pipe is not an option. I simply do not have room to do so as the cube and stand have to sit close to the wall (half an inch clearance).

I also take it that the maxi-jet 1800 should have enough "oomph" to push up sufficient flow to the return, and what of my protein skimmer that is made for chamber two?

So many questions . . .
if you don't want to drill your tank and you don't want to move it away from the wall enough to get a HOB(hang on the back) overflow box on it, then forget the sump. there is no such thing as a maxijet 1800. are you referring to a mag18, or a maxijet1200? the latter will never be able to return water to your tank. the mag18 would be way too much IMO, because it will probably bring alot of microbubbles with the water in a smaller sump.

to answer your first question, a 30 gallon oceanic sump is already made. you just have to fill it with water.
Yeah you need to drill or have a overflow box for a sump. Unless you put it above your tank, and put your return pump in your tank, and let the sump drain in to your display. But that could be messy and a little tricky to set up.
Thanks. Yeah I can't drill nor move the unit and stand. Whelp guess I'll save that money for my LED kit then.

As for there not being a maxi-jet 1800 ultility pump (does adding that part make a difference?) my Biocube and wallet begs to differ :p
You lose pressure pretty quick with small pumps.
You will need to either drill or put an overflow on the tank, or you can put the sump above the tank as a display refugiumm. Your other choice is a hang on refugium.
Treo360 said:
Thanks. Yeah I can't drill nor move the unit and stand. Whelp guess I'll save that money for my LED kit then.

As for there not being a maxi-jet 1800 ultility pump (does adding that part make a difference?) my Biocube and wallet begs to differ :p
interesting. these must be new. up until recently, there was only maxi 400,900, and 1200.