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Peppermint shrimps Missing

5 peppermint shrimps went missing
I added 4 new fairy wrasses and now I haven't seen my shrimps in days :(
Fairies I got were said be reef safe
Whip fin , exquisitite, laboutei , & lubbock
Do you think they ate the shimps ?
my peps only come out at night, i never see them.... literally have gone several months with no shows, then i'll be moving something in the tank, and out comes the pep to scare the hell out of me till i realize what it is
I do hope that my peppermints are still in there and alive ... no dead bodies..
I usually do see one or two at feeding time but
maybe they went into hiding since the new wrasses want there homes in the rocks.
one wrasse keeps knocking my frogsporn out of its hole.
I think he's gona win soon and im gona have to move it... I'll give him one more chance.
yeah , ever stick you hand in tank for something at night and peppermint gabs a hold
of you.. aaahhhh.... funky little critters
my peps only come out at night, i never see them.... literally have gone several months with no shows, then i'll be moving something in the tank, and out comes the pep to scare the hell out of me till i realize what it is
same here, i forget that they are even in there.
I'm not such a fan of pep shrimps right now. Added 2 to get this one aiptasia cause I can't reach without tank breakdown. My 100+ feather dusters have started dwindling down to about 50 now. Every once in awhile I see them crawling on what's left of the dusters. Of course, the aiptasia is still there. Had I known this was the outcome, I would've just move my CBB into this tank once he's out of QT.
Do you think the fairy wrasses would kill peppermints to take there home in the rocks?


Do you think they are hiding?
Peppermints usually hide out unless they were established in an empty tank. Mine won't even come out with very passive fish.
sorry to hear your loosing your feathers

I thought it was my butterfly who ate mine , but maybe it was my peppermints LOL

either way . one of them rid my tank of my aiptasia.

Funny story , my first friend in my tank was an aiptasia, so cute on my rock then I found out what it was, hahaha and then later came my butterfly he had a yummy lunch.
I seen one of my missing pepermint shrimp last night :)
I'm so happy to know that they are not gone and still alive in there
I'm guessing that they are all ok and hiding like you guys said
Jenn said:
ds4x4 said:
What size tank? they are probably in the rocks eating each other
Peppermints will eat each other ? :eek:
Oh yes.. while they may stand being in larger groups maybe 10 or so they are somewhat territorial and there will be battles.. the loser/dead shrimp will then be lunch for all the scavengers including the peppermints themselves.
i had some shrimp, then my girlfriend bought me a mystery wrasse. make sure you feed your fish plenty or they will eat your shrimp.
I once saw what I thought was the molt from my peppermint shrimp in the mouth of my scolymia coral. When I couldn't find "Scampi" weeks later, I realized what had happened! Weird things can happen... ;D