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PH levels


NJRC Member
Since I’ve gotten my apex and trident and up running it’s been very interesting watching the levels of my tank fluctuate. I’ve been able to nail down my alk, calcium and magnesium levels pretty good. I have the apex DOS and that makes it fairly easy to do.

But, my PH levels will go from 7.66 - 7.95. My PH will rise as my lights come on at 11am and will decrease after they shut off at 9pm. I run a rose colored light on my refugium from midnight to 8am to try and keep the PH as level as possible. Are these fluctuations acceptable? Is it anything to be concerned about?


NJRC Member
Are you running a skimmer? That will help increase your ph. You can also add a co2 scrubber on the skimmer which makes a big difference. I went from 8 during the day to 8.2 or 8.3 .


NJRC Member
Yes I run a skimmer. I don’t have the space to run a separate c02 scrubber. I remember you showed me yours when I picked up some coral from you a couple months ago.


NJRC Member
Yes I run a skimmer. I don’t have the space to run a separate c02 scrubber. I remember you showed me yours when I picked up some coral from you a couple months ago.
You can get a very small one and can even be on the outside of the stand. Very much worth qhile and cheap.


NJRC Member
There was once a time before we had oh probes and tridents and gadgets. We focused on doing weekly waterchanges with quality water and salt, and kept the alk and calcium stable and with time stuff grew. I would say if your stuff looks good and growing don’t worry about it. Easier said then done, you always think hey maybe I can tweak this to increase growth. My biocube runs at 7.86 at its max….. and it grows sps just fine. If I try to tweak things and add something that isn’t natural then you risk stability. I just let it swing daily. Also get a hood ph kit and just make sure the probes reading right.


NJRC Member
I wouldn't be happy with your reported pH levels. Suggest you validate them with some other pH test kit(s).

If they actually are that low, I'd consider dosing Kaltwasser. Just don't dose the kalk as a top-off water replacement - dose a fixed amount daily that is less than your daily top off water amount (year-round) and continue your ATO as it is now working.
I wouldn't be happy with your reported pH levels. Suggest you validate them with some other pH test kit(s).

If they actually are that low, I'd consider dosing Kaltwasser. Just don't dose the kalk as a top-off water replacement - dose a fixed amount daily that is less than your daily top off water amount (year-round) and continue your ATO as it is now working.
This guy kalks
I've been hovering around this post for a couple days. And contemplating on even saying anything because truthfully I wouldn't be happy with those numbers (if accurate) but I also have given up as far as chasing PH. I have maybe one more trick up my sleeve. I dose a gallon of kalk a day, and skimmer runs to outside air. I've given up and stopped calibrating my PH monitor.

Jamie S

NJRC Member
I ran my airline tubing outside and dose kalk concentrate via a DOS to near my daily evaporation (around 3500ml). Granted the windows of my house have been open the last week but when they’re closed I average around 8.15-8.2.


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Vice President
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NJRC Member
mine always goes crazy. but I dont mess with it


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You can also hook up a line to your skimmer intake to bring in fresh air to raise your ph. I do that and my Ph is perfecto


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