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Picasso clown on carpet

After setting up a drip line tonight, my wife yelled into the basement 10 mins later that our one clown fish was on the carpet. It couldn't have been more than 10 mins, maybe as little as 5. I scooped him up as carefully as I could and tossed him back in. He just laid there for awhile and I was sure he was a goner. Now he seems to be moving around a little and starting to swim ever so little.

Any ideas on anything I can do? The female is just sitting back and watching and the rest of the fish don't seem to notice anything.
clowns are from the damsel family - he should be just fine. My female true perc jumped out somehow and I put her back in and she looked like a goner. In about 2~3 hrs she was fine. 3 days later she laid eggs. If you are really concerned you could put him in a qt/separate box until he swims better.

your tank open also? or it was open due to the drip line?
Hawkeye said:
clowns are from the damsel family - he should be just fine. My female true perc jumped out somehow and I put her back in and she looked like a goner. In about 2~3 hrs she was fine. 3 days later she laid eggs. If you are really concerned you could put him in a qt/separate box until he swims better.

your tank open also? or it was open due to the drip line?

Thanks. Yes, he's doing fine now. It's a closed top. He must have gotten out with the drip line. Even with that, not sure ,how, but he's doing well now.


in my cichlid tank i had a dempsey that jumped out ... out long enough the scales were dry... but it moved when i touched him... took a good day for it to come back full cirle.. after shedding some scales and such... and its still kicking