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Possible BJD?

I don't have pictures yet but I've lost a few hammer head recently and i think it might be BJD. It looked almost like a web over it. I turned off all flow and pulled it out into a container. In the container, the head came off and it was all mush under the white. Now I've just slowly been losing one or 2 heads here and there.
I've been doing my best to contain it by pulling and throwing away any hammer heads that don't look ok.

Is there anything i can do to stop this? I've spent A LOT in my euphillia garden and would hate to see it all go.
I went from ich, to dinos, to cyano on top of dinos, to now what i suspect is either something eating my euphillia or BJD. This hobby sucks.
Parameters are consistent.
Amm/nitrite: 0
Nitrate: 12
Phosphates: .03
Alk: 8.2
Ph: 8.2
Calc: 400
Mag: 1400
SG: 1.024
Was it brown and smelly, looking like the head melted? That's what I've seen with BJD. Unfortunately, I think it randomly happens at times even for coral shops and dealers. A couple treatments out there include hydrogen peroxide dips and witch hazel for affected corals. I've also done whole tank cipro treatment as people say that it can stay in your tank once one coral is affected.

I've tried dipping in hydrogen peroxide and saved a few torch heads that way. Not sure if the whole tank cipro treatments have worked - certainly there were no further immediate BJD deaths, but a few months later another head somewhere might've died.