• Folks, if you've recently upgraded or renewed your annual club membership but it's still not active, please reach out to the BOD or a moderator. The PayPal system has a slight bug which it doesn't allow it to activate the account on it's own.


I like having our own place. Cant figure out why more folks dont come here. I do know that some who hang at RC dont even know about this place, I'm not sure who started this, but it seems they have left it to die on the vine.
hey rotty let have a posative attitude PLEASE ;D im gonna do ALOT as for reef treasures i have alot of things goin on [lanned 4 the club and once i can get a new vote and get in hopefully u will as the rest ee a huge diffrence and will be waitin to go to each meeting
I'm only saying it to wake up there brains.I don't want it to go.But I was in anougher saltwater fish club that went belly up ,and this club is heading just like that one.When that club was it had a lot of members.The club sponcered MACNA I think it was MACNA 3.To have a club that big and go down and this one heading in the same direction is teribble and I wouldn't want to see it happend.But I'm wastting typing it here ,but I don't go to RC the only other one I go to is TRT.
yeah i think we need more movement of people here, i like this side and it needs mad update, i think i can talk to a friend to update it if any1 is interested in that
Thats what I bin trying to tell them.If you think you want to join you would come here to see what people are talking about and stuff.But if they come here and there is no new topics or unanswer topic and looks like a ghost site then they get the wrong impression of the club and mite not want to join.That's why there needs more movment here then RC.Unless they want to change the name of the club to RC reef club of NJ.But if that happends then I'm gone!Because I go to www.thereeftank.com not RC!
We just need to keep pushing for folks to get here. Thats why I'm trying to get the tank shots. Did you guys get yours out there?