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Im quarantining some live rock in a bin with a powerhead and a heater to wait for the algae to die. I have been reading about how much of a nuisance worms can be. Is there any way to treat the rock with something to kill the worms while I am waiting? Its going to be a few more weeks until the rock goes into the display tank.

Im a complete newbie so please take that into consideration.


You can put it in a bin of fresh water for a while or a bin with higher salinity for a while and the worms should come out. Then back to the normal water


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Hey Chris,

If you mean flatwomrs, use "flatworm exit" from Salifert, very easy to use!Better to get the worms out before you put the rock in the tank! Good luck!

Chris many worms are considered beneficial in reef aquaria and many aquariusts add them purposely to their system. What have you been reading that refers to them as a nuisance unless you are refering to flatworms as was mentioned by previous poster.

If you are concerned about the latter where did you acquire your LR that you recieved it with algea/flatworm issues?
I think flatworms are still up in opinion as are some other types of worms. Some people like them some don't. I know when I see one by my coral I try to get them out. Too close for comfort. Your qt should have high flow and no light as well, forgot to mention that before
thanks guys.. yea i aquired the tank from a friend who didnt want it anymore because he had algae that he couldnt keep under control. So what I did was I ditched his old 15 gallon tank and replaced it with a 20 long so it would fit on my nice black stand. I added some live sand and the fish and a few piece of LR as well as teh corals that came with it. I took the rock and put it in a rubbermaid cooler with a drain. Its got a big powerhead in there as well as a heater and it is closed tight so no light gets in. So now its been a week since its been quarantined so I want to make sure in about 4 weeks I get the LR back in the tank with only bacteria living in it (and maybe a few beneficial critters)

I also do a 100% water change once a week.

So maybe ill just leave the worms in there, if any, and see what happens?
You might not want to close it tight. I'd leave the lid cracked at the least to let air get in for oxygen exchange
If he had the LR then probably no mantis in it which is more of an issue. I would leave all the worms alone you will do more harm then good and there is nothing that only kills the bad ones.