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How do you care for them? I have mixed results with RBTA they look good for a while but then fade out and shrink.
Thanks for the kind words!!
as for their care? I just make sure my water is clean and consistent. i don't spot feed them anymore because my clowns take the meaty foods from feedings and give it to their nems... main thing is consistency with your water
Nice, do they still move around the tank after they started hosting the clowns?

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S5
My BTA's havent moved since i got them. they found their place and stayed put
I hat one for about 4 months but none of my 3 clowns ever got close to it and it didn't move from the same rock it was....one day my nephews came over and started tapping at the glass close to where it was.....that same night it started moving around the tank, got couple of tentacles chopped by the power head and 3 days later when I got home from work found it dead at the hob over flow box......I was lucky it die maybe couple hours before I got home and there was no damage.
My BTA's havent moved since i got them. they found their place and stayed put

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S5
Wow thats terrible.... what type of clowns are you trying to bond with the BTA's? not every fish takes to them.
my Picasso Clowns host anything and everything that moves but that's just them... also movement from a BTA means its unhappy with its current home. hows the water quality? whats the flow like? the lighting? maybe your aquascape causes a flow pattern the nem doesnt like. also where are you getting your nems from? sometimes they are purchased stressed or sick and dont fare well
Good luck
Wow thats terrible.... what type of clowns are you trying to bond with the BTA's? not every fish takes to them.
my Picasso Clowns host anything and everything that moves but that's just them... also movement from a BTA means its unhappy with its current home. hows the water quality? whats the flow like? the lighting? maybe your aquascape causes a flow pattern the nem doesnt like. also where are you getting your nems from? sometimes they are purchased stressed or sick and dont fare well
Good luck
I have a pair of snowflake and one onyx, water parameters are stables, medium to strong flow and full spectrum LED lights....I was spot feeding twice per week squid.....she seemed to be happy and grew fast by the time I had it....I got it from a friend of mine the his splits, not sure where he got it from.....here is a pic of it when I just got ituploadfromtaptalk1406828755514.jpg

And this pic is 2 days before it die.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S5
I found that when mine split one goes on the move, even if the clowns continue to host them both one still moves. So as soon as mine split it try to find a new home for the one that travels as they always go for the powerheads ... smart they are not.


Officer Emeritus
I found that when mine split one goes on the move, even if the clowns continue to host them both one still moves. So as soon as mine split it try to find a new home for the one that travels as they always go for the powerheads ... smart they are not.

That explains what I've been observing!


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Mine were splitting like jackrabbits lately. I currently have 4 of them and yes, when they split, one moves and the other usually stays in the old spot.

They do unfortunately kill just about anything near them when they settle, which is upsetting to say the least.

I've been poking at them (lightly) just to try to annoy them and make them move or at least hunker into the rocks when they settle near stuff I really don't want to lose. Hard to control when I'm not home all day. :(

They are beautiful though.
I have used the stiffer carbon pads to block them from a particular place and hope to catch them on the move. Or if they go on the glass you can get them pretty easy.