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Red Sea Coral Pro

I ran out of IO so I decided to try out the Coral Pro from Red Sea. I'm using it with soft water, after the water conditioner no RO/DI setup yet. After letting it mix for a while i added it to the tank and overnight the tank is cloudy as could be.

My KH is 12, Mag is 1300, Calcium 1300, Salinity 1.021 @80F ( a little low for me) PH 8.2, Ammonia/nitrite/nitrate all 0.

I was using Marineland Carbon in my two TLF reactors could they be the cause? I'm going to make up some more salt now and let it sit with a PH and heater to bring the salinity up. This is in the 220/75sump BTW
red sea coral pro takes much longer to fully dissolve than IO. I use to leave it running for at least two days before using. when you said "a while", i hope it was at least 24 hours. if not , that's why your tank is cloudy. I'm using reef crystals now.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Calcium of 1300? At that level the cloudiness would be the Ca precipitating out of the water.
its like 1230-1300 it was hard to see the amount i added on the test. ok well it wasn't 24hours because i pulled the whole sump to redo the baffles and I wasn't planning on that.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Ca usually runs 350 to 500 (on the WAY high side). 1230-1300 is not even on the scale. Might want to double check the test kit. Which one are you using? That looks more like a magnesium number.

If it turns out you like the salt I have 2 buckets that I could sell you (or anyone else interested) at a discount.

We always let ours mix for at least 24 hours before adding it to the tank, so I'm not sure what the extra cloudy is about. If your Ca is high it may have precipitated out of the water, which would cause the cloudiness. What is your Alk?
sorry Dyslexia has struck again. MG is 1300 Calcium is 360. and phyl PM me about the salt between me and my brother we could use it.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
360 sounds better to me! May have been undissolved salt. Try letting it sit longer next time and see if it happens again. PM sent on the salt.
well i dunno if it was the salt or not because i also took my carbon off line since the cloudiness got worse when i turned it back on after the water change. I dumped that carbon and put in some i got from Bulk reef supply. The water was pretty clear today before so hopefully tomorrow it will be amazing with the two reactors running
The Saga Continues.. Has anyone ever had the problem of Carbon making your water cloudy? I used Marineland Carbon after using the coral pro salt and it made my water cloudy and white like. now i just got some Small Lignite carbon from Bulk Reef Supply and my water is Brownish Cloudy. When i left the carbon off the water cleared up so i just took the carbon offline again
Hey Brandon,
I once put Chemipur in a TLF reactor and had it tumbling to fast and it made my water cloudy. I had to turn it down to just a little ripple.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Are you rinsing your carbon before using it? It shouldn't change the color of your water for the worse. It also shouldn't make your water cloudy. It sounds like something is causing your Ca to precipitate out of the water. What is your Alk? Are you dosing any chemicals?
When I had the problem, I think the rock tumbler or I mean(I had the reactor too turbulent and was acting like a rock tumbler)and was actually pulverizing the carbon down ;D once I turned the water flow down, so it Barely moved the carbon It worked really well.
i made up 15 gals in a tote with a heater and powerhead and left it for a few days and got no cloudiness. still uncertain about the carbon though