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I've got a 25 gallon sump and I've turned a portion of it into a fuge with a 100 watt equivalent 6500K bulb. I have it on a timer with 15 hours on and 9 off. I've got chaeto algae in it and the sump turn over rate is moderate.
I'm having a problem with red hair algae in the sump/fuge portion (where the light is of course). Is my photoperiod too long? Should I put a small powerhead in the fuge to roll/turn over the algae? Should I not worry about the red hair algae in the fuge and actually invite it, since it's taking up nitrates? Is there any risk of actually boosting my nitrates due to the setup I've just explained? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
tnv102 said:
Should I put a small powerhead in the fuge to roll/turn over the algae?

I personally would do this so that the cyano does not grow anymore. Chaeto has a tendency to die out on the bottom of the "ball" so adding the powerhead would allow it to tumble and get light all throughout.

Is the fug getting water direct from the display? if possible i'd plumb it so that it's feed from the skimmer.
I had a similar issue with my fuge...
But all I did is throw some snails Vibex type in there and they keep it all clean..
I run my lamp 24/ 7 also to keep my macro from going sexual...
I relize that...
I didn't say that it does!
I stated that My Macro does!
Anyways here's couple of images of my fuge when I did 1st add the snails..

As you can see that there is a slight Red tinge to the glass.
That is all gone now.
Thanks for the info. I think I'll add a powerhead. Unfortunately, I can't plumb the skimmer outlet to the fuge, my set-up won't allow for it.