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Rose Bubble Tip Anemone RBTA

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Thanks so much for the "small" nem today. It's already starting to open up nicely. These are extremely beautiful RBTA's guys so you better get on them quick.
Well I thought my flow was low enough, but I guess it wasn't. Overnight the RBTA decided to go for a walk and get sucked into my gyre. I did have the mesh over it so it wasn't completely shredded. I put it back in it's spot and during the day it opened up a little, but definitely tentacle damage. Read a little online and most say it should recover. Bummed because it looked so great yesterday and I just picked up a clownfish from another NJReefer tonight.
First of all... sorry to hear that. However, do not worry the specimen you have is very hardy and should survive and recover. Just rember to cut back on the flow until it has settled. You can't expect them to stay where you want, but once they are comfortable... they should latch down. They don't like too much flow, but low to medium flow.. once they find that spot or corner in your tank.. they will not move around, until you change the flow direction.
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