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Rt 4 Aquarium

That place went downhill FAST. I counted 4 kids working in the store and ALL of the saltwater tanks were covered in red slime. It was so bad I may go back tomorrow and take pics. Its a shame, That was one of my top stores I bought from.
THIS PLACE SUCKS!!! i bought 3 blue rics there last year for like $30 after that there was never anything there. its a waste of your time to go in there.
Wow,kinda sad to hear this,when I was a kid and first got in the hobby they were the store to go to.This was 27 yrs ago..I guess nothing stays the same forever.Maybe talking with the owner may help,if they care about their customers maybe they will take heed and make changes.
Store really does need a cleanup, low on fishes and coral but there staff is decent, always helpful and will get you custom orders on equipment fish coral ... etc
If they would just put a little effort into the store (especially the upstairs) they could have a good setup. They dont really even carry coral anymore though...