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Salifert Alk Tests?

Im using salifert KH/ALK Profi test. The test reads
0.14 on the test syringe That should be= KH value in dKH 13.8 and in meq/L 4.91
SG is 1.025
PH 8.3
Calcium 370ppm
The only additives are
ESV B-Ionic Component NO.1 Alkalinity
ESV B-Ionic Component NO.2 Calcium In equal parts.

Question??? Sound like I am testing and reading correctly???
and if so what recommendation to fix the alk.
I have the kit at home.....just used it this afternoon actually

Are you doing the test at full strength or at the half dosage to get more tests out of your kit.

I know there is some type of multiplier if you only use half the amount of test water and half of the blue dropper solution but without the sheet in front of me couldnt tell you what it was. I always just use it full strength. This might make a difference in the number you are getting...hoping its just a simple test interpretation issue

Also what is your Magnesium at.....if I remember correctly all three are related and need to be balanced accordingly.

As for lowering your Alk.....Sorry I am no help with that one.....mine tends to run on the low side.

I have the opposite problem of trying to keep mine at around 3.66. Am not very successful with it either :(
Salifert alk kits have had quality problems in the past.

I would compare to another kit or two first before you start adjusting.

The fact that your CA is a little low would support the expectation of a higher Alk reading, but I would double check.

Anything you decide to do to adjust, I would do slowly. My preferred approach is water changes with water mixed to the correct proportions.

I'd lay off the B-ionic as well until you are sure of your readings. How big is the tank and how much are you dosing.
Using the full resolution test.
12 gal and a 29 gal tanks, bought the B-ionic 2 part to raise the cal and it should have balanced the Alk at the same time. have been dosing per instructions.
Also I have been doing heavy water changes to lower my nitrates and phosphates that were a bit high.
and no mag tests, the part 2 contains trace elements including Magnesium.
i could lend you my laMotte test kit if you want. I really like it. I'm in metuchen. Maybe I'm just not a chemist but following the salifert alk test kit gives me a headache.

send me a pm if you're in this neck of the woods for work or whatever.

or i guess if it can wait until the next meeting - just bring water and i'll bring the test kit!
Hawkeye, thanks for that offer. Right now I'm under the weather and stuck staying home.
I plan on doing retests later, ill post results if they seem off again. Everthing in the two tanks seem happy and open so its not a emergency.
I decided to run a test on the new water (IO) I just made 28 hours ago and these were my results with the salifert test kits:

I have some sera test kits but none for Alk so I can't say for sure. Maybe we have bad test kits. btw, my Alk has always read really high with this test kit.. I just ignored it.

Syringe element type of test
.30 dKH:11.2 ALK:4.0 (full res)

.60 Ca=200 (1/2 resolution) so cal=400

.10 Mg=1350 (full res)

1.025 SG
Been slowly using the additives and the tests have evened out a bit, alk still shows high for me too.
second tank

I did the math and did a final dose to bring cal to 450ppm and balance out the alk.
I will test check again in the AM and will be stopping by Trop and will have Austin retest the results. That should tell whether its the tests or the way i have done them.

I will need new test kits soon anyway and am looking for perhaps a brand that may be more user friendly. Hawkeye mentioned laMotte test kit, pricey, might have to look further into it.
I have some sera test kits but none for Alk so I can't say for sure. Maybe we have bad test kits. btw, my Alk has always read really high with this test kit.. I just ignored it.

Syringe element type of test
.30 dKH:11.2 ALK:4.0 (full res)

.60 Ca=200 (1/2 resolution) so cal=400

.10 Mg=1350 (full res)

That is not right. IO Ca++ = ~ 360, Mg++ = ~ 1200 but the Alk is close 11- 12 dKH
Boomer said:
That is not right. IO Ca++ = ~ 360, Mg++ = ~ 1200 but the Alk is close 11- 12 dKH

Hey Boomer. I'm guessing that you mean the numbers I am seeing are not correct? I know that the test numbers were read right since I did the test twice and followed it to a tee.

What should I expect from IO? Again, this is a BRAND new 5g (160gal of water) bucket of salt. This is my 2nd 30gal's of water so it's not easy to mix the contents, but I spent 5 minutes rolling it on the floor of my garage. The 2nd time I even picked it up and physically shuck it upside down, back to back and rolled it along the smooth/long side and top over top. As you can imagine, the bucket is pretty beat up now ha!
Those numbers I posted unless you are adding things to the IO mix or it is a bad batch. Do you tumble the IO bucket/bag well before use. "Salt" particles can settle out to the bottom due to particle size, density and the Brazilian Nut theory. You are not doing anything like adding water to the salt are you ? Always add salt to the water. However, by your numbers it does not look like you did that ;)
Ummm sorry to get off topic here but what exactly is the Brazilian nut theory.

Whirebird if you want to try a different kit of the same type you can always use my salifert one to see if the numbers are even close.

Dont know what area you are in but I am out near McGuire afb so if its somewhat local for you then you are welcome to try it and see what you get.

Boomer said:
Those numbers I posted unless you are adding things to the IO mix or it is a bad batch. Do you tumble the IO bucket/bag well before use. "Salt" particles can settle out to the bottom due to particle size, density and the Brazilian Nut theory. You are not doing anything like adding water to the salt are you ? Always add salt to the water. However, by your numbers it does not look like you did that ;)

So it should be Ca=360, Mg=1200, Alk=11-12? Then my numbers of Ca=400, Mg=1300, Alk=11.2 sounds pretty normal then?

I always make 25-30 gals of water and then add the salt until the salinity is right. I haven't figured out a good measurement yet, so I tend to add salt, mix for a few hours, test salinity, add more salt and then in the end top off with a little more RO/DI because i've made it too salty.

I always mix the container before I use it as well.

Brazilian nut theory

Large particles work their way to the top if vibrated or shook well. If you took a jar and put some marbles in the bottom and then filled it with sand and shook it well the marbles will move to the top. It is called that is that is how many decades ago Brazilian found a way to get the large nuts to the top for collection. On another note, in bags, it is often easy to see if you cut the side of the bag open and you will see a layering of the salt. That is often due to the settling from, moisture, density and particle size and less of the BNT, which is more common when there are large particles mixed with fines. Often if you take a sample from the top and bottom of a unshaken bag or bucket you will find that the parameters are not the same when mixed to the same salinity. That is why it is best to mix it all if you can.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
How do you mix the contents of a salt bucket?! And I presume you need to do this with ALL salt buckets?
Thanks for the info Boomer.....somehow I had thought it was going to be one of the mysteries of the universe that had no explanation.

I always roll or shake my bucket before I use it :eek: .....its a lot easier to shake the salt up when the bag is mostly empty and you can take the bag out of the bucket.

Speaking of which....almost time to buy a new bucket of salt...there is a quick $100 spent.
By pouring half of it into another bucket and then turning each one upside down a number of times. Or rolling it on the floor and turning it upside down once in awhile and then roll it again.

Ah, I missed this page I see you already figured out the roll trick. You may have a test kit error and will find out if so with another kit.If both are the same then it may be a bad batch of mix.
Did tests again 29 gal
Cal 410 ppm
Alk 4.11 meq/L Should be 2.45 meq/L
PH 8.3
Nitrates <0.2ppm
Salinity 1.026
Temp 80
Phosphates not tested but using PhosGuard

I did a water change and waited 5 days then did these tests, any opinions on the readings would be helpful.
Many are using that kit an like it. The only issue is that 1 drop = 1 dKH is not liked much. That can be fixe by increasing the sample vol. Meaning, if the sample vol was 4 x then 1 drop = 0.25 dKH and 10 X 0.1 dKH but I would not go to any 10x without a reference test.