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Salifert Calcium test question.

I want to add some lps's, and just started testing calcium. I'm adding the drops with the syringe, and the color never changes. Do I have to add calcium, or is there too mush?


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
You put 2ml of water into the vial, you put one level of those blue spoons of powder into the vial and then 8 drops of the other bottle (Ca2),  then you put the skinny tip on the end of the syringe. After that you drew up liquid (from Ca3) into the syringe until the bottom of the black line was on the 1.0 marker. What I normally do is push down to about where I think I'll start to see results (.2 for me, but if I was doing it for the first time I'd probably do .4). .2 is 400 ca reading. Are you able to empty the syringe and still not see a color change? That would definitely mean you have WAY high ca. Highly unlikely unless you've either been dosing or are using some strange salt with a wacky ca reading.

HTH, otherwise ask some more questions!


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
I would refill and then drip some more... Can you fill the syringe 2x and not have a color change?! I would check/dose alk and I bet you'll find that the Ca number drops back into line. Very interesting problem you have there! Is there an expiration date on the test kit?
I use the red sea test kit and I hate it, mine had 3 bottles in the test kit and it took me 6 months to figure out what the third bottle was for, it was a sample of calcium that you can add to your tank!!!! This is the only test I hate doing. Make sure you shake the bottles and check the date of expiration.
I'll check the date when I get home tonight. My alk test normal with the red sea test kit. I agree with Anabolic_1 the red sea cal test is a pain in the a$$, the color on that test comes close, but never changes to the color on the card.
Date was fine. Tested again and I went through one full syringe, and a little of the 2nd syringe, before it turned blue. Is it too high for an lps, or will that bring down the calcium level to where it should be?


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Sounds like you're looking at a Ca reading of 550 or more. That sounds pretty high. What is your freshly mixed/aged saltwater? If it is closer to 400 then I'd do a pretty big water change to get it back in line. Any idea why it would be so high? How long has your tank been up and running? What's your substrate? What do you dose? What exactly is your Alk reading?

You could probably add the LPS but I'd personally like to see it a bit more balanced before you add the new livestock.
I think it's the salt I'm using (Oceanic) My next water change will be Tropic Marin. My tank is over 4 months, and I have a shallow sand bed ony in the front and sides. The back is bare. My alk reads normal, and I never dose. Good thing I tested first, the lfs told me to start adding calcium.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
See that, you're already smarter than the LFS! Dose without testing!? D'oh!