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Snail ID


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Just found this guy crusing on the sand. I do have collonista snails, but this guy is way too big for a collonista. Any idea what it is. FYI, I haven't added anything to my tank in ages, with the exception or six trochus snails a week or so ago....and this guy wasn't part of that package.



Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Confirmed.....Caribbean Nerite. Thanks everbody.

Now I'm just wondering where this guy came from???

And Horseplay, I don't know what you do, but I'll hire you today and pay you with these "quarters." :eek:
I have had snails show up ages after my tank was set up. No idea where they came from. Just glad they weren't bad. Mostly I found them in my upper sump where the water was slowly moving.