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SPS coral dip process?

I would think, Lugols Iodine, from what I have read, but this is a good question for the next meeting.
Maybe some other members can give more info.
Use Coral revive to dip your acros.. Always detached it from a rock that it came with.

I used to use TMPCC for dipping but that sometimes result to browning out or sometimes bleech my SPS. Coral Revive is less stressful and have been using it for a yr.
I dip lugols and Interceptor 15min each. Put a powerhead in there to help blow off the dead hitchhikers and slimes. Remove the frag disc or rock it was detached too when you're done and attach to your own disc/plug/rock. If you have to keep the disc or rock it came with, shake it in fresh water - ONLY the rock or frag disc - for 30-60 seconds), scrub and brush if possible to remove algae and whatnot attached. After you're done, rinse in tank water, inspect closely for any signs of eggs and remove accordingly. Rinse 2 more times. Into your tank it goes.
I recently used Revive as prescribed and it really beat up a new natural ACRO colony I just got. Only after 4 days is it finally starting to show some PE. Its obviously due to the fact that has never been subjected to such a harsh environment. Luckily it did not die, yet. Usually, I stay clear of freshly plucked colonies but this one was way to sweet to pass up...