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Suggestions for small species FW tank

I have an 8 gallon biocube and I am looking for suggestions to stock this tank. I am looking for more bizarre behavior than anything else. I have some different pencil fish species, kuhlis, blue eye killies, tons of cherry and amano shrimp (searching for splash tetras to add to this)and a tiny tree frog in my "emergent" planted aquarium so those fish are out of question. For the 8 gallon, I was thinking about some small shell dwelling Tangyanikans like N. multifaciatus. However, I would've liked this to be a planted tank. Any suggestions? BTW, if unfamiliar, do a YouTube search for Splash Tetras...what an amazing behavior!
bumble bee gobies were always one of my fav's technically brackish, but i've acclimated many to fw. then there are dwarf fw puffers.... very cool. i bet the glow fish (engeneered danios) would look beautiful under the actinics...
I was also going to recommend the dwarf puffers, then again I do adore puffers. 2 for this size tank would be good... often need to feed them live blackworms though (not sure if that's an issue for you) I had 6 of them living in a 35g once and they were great... all the personality of bigger puffers in a tiny little package.
actually in the fw worl there are mini dwarf puffers, just slightly larger than a tic tac.... could put many in a tank that size...
yeah I was referring to the fw dwarf puffers, recommend 3-5g per puffer even though they are tiny as they are messy just like their much bigger cousins.
i would stay away from small puffers. they are just like bigger puffers. will nip fins and kill each other or other tank mates.

i would suggest. as you showed interest.... tanganyikan shellies. common ones are ocellatus or muties. there are more colorful/beautiful species but you will pay more.

if not shellies, you can go with south american dwarfs. apistos or other dwarf cichlids of the new world. these tend to be better with planted tanks and supposed to have very interesting behavior. some say the new world dwarf cichlids are more interesting than shell dwellers.
the tank is now fully planted so hard water and brackish species are out. I have been leaning towards apistos since I am more interested in breeding behaviors/courtship displays. Unless I find something else in the meantime, a pair of the next shipment of A. borellii will be mine.
I've always loved Ramerizi's.

Note to self, must not participate in this conversation. Freshwater urges can lead to setting up more tanks! :eek:
jonathan. said:
Austin, go with those sweet blue eyed tetras that we were talking about the other day.

I have those in my 20. I should post videos of my red fin pencil fish in this tank leaping to grab fruit flies meant for the tiny tree frog in this tank. For the 8 gallon, I wanted more courtship behavior so apisto seem to be the way to go. Rams require more room than I can offer in this tank (from what I read).
blange3 said:
I've always loved Ramerizi's.

Note to self, must not participate in this conversation. Freshwater urges can lead to setting up more tanks! :eek:

Its funny, I have more and spend more time watching more fw tanks. I think its because I spned so little time doing maintenance chores on these tanks and more time watching them. But I still really like my SW money pit
here are some pics of the 20. I dont have any of the 8 gallon yet. Note the tiny unidentified tree frog found on a plant shipment from FL.

Dark water perfect for amazonian species
i cant see anything in the blurry background but thats a totally awesome frog. anything else in the tank with him? what do you feed? if the tanks empty and your talking amazon, why not a nice school of neon tetras?
I love stuff like that. These guys (greenhouse frogs) are pretty common in Fla plant shipments, but yours, might be too green.


I Once got a green treefrog that had made a similar trip, but your frog doesn't look like that either:


Believe it or not, there's a tiny plain blind snake called Ramphotyphlops that has travelled the world in potted plants, originating in Asia. They live among us without our knowledge:

Re: Suggestions for small species FW tank (FREE FISH!)

FREE BABIES! FREE BABIES! If you're going to start a FW tank, consider my NJ bred African Cichlids! PLEASE! I have babies, teens and one nice adults - stop by, take your pick! I'll provide the bags! Can you tell I'm trying to make room - more babies on the way, very healthy, and they just keep "doin' it" ... some of the babies, about 1 to 1.5" now, below:


One of my two 125g Cichlid tanks ... http://www.sandeeland.com/FishCam, cam #4

yup. the mbuna do it all the time. acutally the dominant male is getting all the action but anyway, you get a litter all the time. good luck with them. i was just thinking out loud. call me a mean person but can't you use the mbuna fry to feed your marine fish? sorry if this idea is too cave man.
<< use the mbuna fry to feed your marine fish >>

I have a hard enough time feeding the fish, Silversides! :(

No, babies are babies. I've given plenty to a few of the LFS in the area. And have also sent a few to my co-workers via FedEx. Sorta fun. But NO, not using them as FOOD! Geez!