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The Ultimate Cool Deadly Animal.

See...i'm good for something. ;D Isnt there a fake Blue Ring that is harmless also that gets passed off as the real thing at times?
i bashed hidden reef for bringing in crown of thorns starfish, i also told feng not sure how good of an idea it was but If there is one thing i can say its truely a beautiful creature.
ReeferNets said:
i bashed hidden reef for bringing in crown of thorns starfish, i also told feng not sure how good of an idea it was but If there is one thing i can say its truely a beautiful creature.

Well if it is a bluering I have only two words.



And I am NOT just kidding! ::)

You know im behind you 100 percent and im not sure if feng knows it but recently they discovered that all octos were poisoness. It actually also turned out that some Blue Rings octopus dont have the deadly toxin in them, it was only ones found in certain areas.

Still not a good idea


Officer Emeritus
Staff member
blange3 said:
ReeferNets said:
i bashed hidden reef for bringing in crown of thorns starfish, i also told feng not sure how good of an idea it was but If there is one thing i can say its truely a beautiful creature.

Well if it is a bluering I have only two words.



And I am NOT just kidding! ::)

Tell us how you really feel Bill. ;)

Here is an article on why you should not buy them:

mnat said:
blange3 said:
ReeferNets said:
i bashed hidden reef for bringing in crown of thorns starfish, i also told feng not sure how good of an idea it was but If there is one thing i can say its truely a beautiful creature.

Well if it is a bluering I have only two words.



And I am NOT just kidding! ::)

Tell us how you really feel Bill. ;)

Here is an article on why you should not buy them:


Was I too subtle? ???

I guess I should have asked if it is for sale or display-only in fairness to Feng. But even if it is for display-only, I'll only downgrade my response to INAPPROPRIATE as we don't want to encourage other reefers to consider keeping one.

Great article mnat. I didn't realize how readily available they are.

There's a difference between keeping venomous animals and lethal animals. And I realize that even the nonlethal animals can sometimes be lethal if the victim is allergic to the venom.

As it is an octopus is an expert level, best left in the ocean animal even when it isn't lethal. BTW did he have any clown sweetlips? ;D
I understand they're delicious.

Just to play devil's advocate, have you ever heard of an aquarist being hurt by one?

That's because none ever has.

Even in nature, there are few reports of death, and some are sketchy (no one saw the octopus do it.)

Compare this with stonefish, jellies, etc, etc.

They are extremely lousy (boring) pets compared with other octos, probably compared with anything.

Just food for thought.
To make it worse Feng has it in a open topped tank with no warning on it . Tank does have a door blocking entry into the top but the tank itself has no lid . Octo's are notorious for climbing out of tanks with no covers . It would be easy for it to get out of tank and then who knows where ? He told me he did not order it in but received it as a mistake so it wasn't intentional to have it in his store .
Blue ring octopus are very short lived and carry a venom that is crazy strong.

I agree...


i also think this is not a good idea at all, i just hope that the dope that ends up putting this thing in a tank just to brag to his buddies about it doesn't have children
i had a small octo come in on my live rock, not a blue ring but boy are they smart. good hermit crab control. i think things like this should be left in the ocean, only taken out to be put into public aquariums to teach the young ones........
They are interesting, but I don't know why anyone would want to take a chance with one. Especially with their inclination to escape from their tank. But they won't chase you around the room or anything! ;) They are aggressive and will go after you if it gets a chance. Anyway, you'd have to be a little crazy to have one. At least that's my opinion. Worth what you paid!