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To Tank Lid or not To Tank Lid...that is the question...

I was thinking about a brittle sea star and a snowflake eel, and some other fish that may potentially escape. I feel by not putting a lid on my tank, I'm greatly limiting my fish options.
Many of the tanks I've seen and pictures, don't have lids.

Do you cover your tank? If so, what kind of fish do you keep? If you don't cover your tank, what kind of fish do you keep? Do you have any escape artists that normally would leave the tank, but haven't?


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
I would use eggcrate, that's the best option. It allows air/gas exchange at the surface and keeps all inhabitants where they should be.

I've learned my lesson at this point. I was tired of losing wrasses and such...always thinking, I would be the lucky one and my wrasses wouldn't jump out...3 wrasses later and I have eggcrate.

I don't have covers on all of my tanks though...just my 90g where I have the wrasses. None of my other fish are known jumpers...but it's always a risk!
I have an open top, but I have a canopy also. The only escape area at the top of the tank is down the back which I have cut some plastic gutter guard to block off that area.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
If you want an eel you should have a well sealed top as they are known escape artists. I have an eel in my 65, but that's got glass tops on it. I wouldn't be comfortable with him in an open top tank. I'd be beside myself if he got out of the tank because I didn't have glass on it.

Egg crate would keep most other jumpers contained.
ReefDrumz said:
I would use eggcrate, that's the best option. It allows air/gas exchange at the surface and keeps all inhabitants where they should be.
I don't have covers on all of my tanks though...just my 90g where I have the wrasses. None of my other fish are known jumpers...but it's always a risk!

Do you have any pictures of what this looks like?
Phyl said:
If you want an eel you should have a well sealed top as they are known escape artists. I have an eel in my 65, but that's got glass tops on it. I wouldn't be comfortable with him in an open top tank. I'd be beside myself if he got out of the tank because I didn't have glass on it.

Egg crate would keep most other jumpers contained.

Are you saying an egg crate wouldn't be able to contain an eel? Do you have any problems with your snowflake eating other fish?


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
I don't have a snowflake, I have a golden moray. I would never take the chance of keeping him without glass. He's too big to fit through egg crate though, but I'm not sure if it would leave gaps anywhere else. Just not a chance I'd be willing to take.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
oops! I forgot to take a picture for you!

I don't use anything to hold it down.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Here Ya Go

Do you have an eel? I hear those can lift it. What about your wrasse...not afraid of them jumping through the holes? I hear that has happened too. DO you feel your tank lost any light when you put the eggcrate as only direct light straight down will enter the tank.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
I don't have any eels, and no I'm not worried about the wrasses getting through it.
If they are that determined to get out of the tank, so be it!

I'm sure I lost a little bit of light, if you used a light meter I'm sure you would notice it, but I don't really see any difference.
Thanks for the info. I'm going with the eggcrate for now and the acrylic w/ mesh as a long term solution.

What did you use to cut your eggcrate?
What ever you use you'll probably end up with a lot of jagged edges. I rub the eggcrate on the concrete floor of my basement a few times to smooth it out.
I cut mine with a portable table saw, same as I use for PVC. Nice even cut with hardly any jaggies if you cut very slow.
