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Two headed palythoa

I was looking at my God of War palys the other day and noticed that one of the babies had two heads on one stalk! I don't know if this is common or not? Has anyone ever heard of this or have this experience? I don't know if I'm using the proper terms as far as stalk or heads, so sorry in advance. I guess there might have been a mutation in the genetics somehow? I just moved them to a different spot and they are near a couple other zoas and palys now so maybe that might have contributed to it? I am very interested in the specific details and I know there are a lot of very knowledgable people on this forum so I thought it would be good to post it here. Anyway I thought it was pretty cool and I thought I'd share.

Also another thing that I have been wondering about for a while now is I have a green birds nest that I got with my tank a while ago. On multiple occasions either from bad water parameters or my anemone it has seemed to have died completely and then out of nowhere start to come back to life. At the time or should I say times when I thought it had died it was completely brown with algae covering it and there was no life or color on it from the bare eye after a while of it sitting there. I left it in there because I have heard people say that sometimes corals will regenerate if you can get the parameters right quickly but I always thought that that was if it still had color to it and was bleaching or something like that. I am taking biology in school and in one of the chapters it was talking about an endospore. Does anyone know if that is what is happening? Here is a link



That's mine

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nice! ill try to take a picture of mine when I get home. my paly that has two heads isn't combined like that though. the heads are completely seperated like if it were two different palys but they share one stalk so it makes a Y shape sort of.
endospores are structures formed by gram positive bacteria (not all gram positive bacteria do, though).
what you saw on the birdsnest was regeneration. corals can regenerate from only small clusters of living cells that survive whatever killed the colony. plate corals are particularly well known for it.

i think with the palys you are just seeing budding. my palys will do that. they grow new polyps by either growing a new stalk from the base of the first, or by growing a new polyp of the base of an existing stalk that then seperates later.
Don't feel stupid. It was a valid question. I believe all are capable but I have over 60 types and I've only seen it a few times

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