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Ultra Algea X

Ouch. Well glad that's over with. If I was in mikes situation, it would have ultimately been my fault and I would have been cursed off lol. What are you using to battle the bubble algae? I just started dosing ultra algea x to fight off a cross of Dino and hair algae.

Looked the stuff up I see that clams can be harmed, which leads me to the question do you have clams?

I broke the question out of Nikki and Mike's tank thread to avoid hijacking.

How is it working so far?
hey JR. no clams, i am sps dominated with an exception to several zoas and my orange hammers. look i dont know if it's me but i dosed last night and saw a huge improvement this morning.


Officer Emeritus
Staff member
I have not seen this product before, if it helps with bubble algae I will be buying it buy the 55g drum, lol. I will have to look it up, keep us posted.
I tried it years ago when my tank was overrun with bryopsis. I had to order it from overseas because it was not available in the states. Didn't seem to work for me.

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Alright so idk if it's me but my snails seem to be more active and actually are eating the algae I'm fighting. For several weeks I have picked up the snails and placed them on the rock but they did no damage. My rocks are actually clearing up.
about a month ago..

wednesday before initial dose


thursday..snails are much more active!



ready for this?


Some corals have gotten pale others browned out. Other than that, nothing else! mrehfeld, redfishbluefish, and ecambero can all vouch for the disgusting algae that was growing on my rocks.
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I used it a few years back when I had a bad hair algea problem. Works greats great, but takes time. I had another hair algea problen after hurricane Sandy, but couldn't find Ultra Algea X anywhere. I used Algea Fix Marine. Worked good too.


Officer Emeritus
As a side note I recently learned that Matawan water is treated with chloramine, were you aware of that?
I used it a few years back when I had a bad hair algea problem. Works greats great, but takes time. I had another hair algea problen after hurricane Sandy, but couldn't find Ultra Algea X anywhere. I used Algea Fix Marine. Worked good too.

I guess it varies. My pictures prove it to work within 2 days.