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VIDEO: Maxspect Gyre Generator Pump in action!

We recently began testing a Maxspect Gyre prototype in our 80-gallon shallow reef aquarium in the office and quickly realized we'd need a bigger, deeper tank to truly get a feeling of what this revolutionary device can do.

Nice to see someone other than me posting about this amazing device.

We would have posted sooner but we really had to put it in a larger tank (Joe's tank in the video) since we couldn't crank it up to full speed without creating a sandstorm in our 80-gallon shallow reef. So you're digging it, too?


Officer Emeritus
I'm going to go out on a limb and say this will be a disruptive technology much like the cassette was for the 8-track and CDs were for the cassette. I hope I just didn't date myself :victorious: it's going to be a industry changer.
Any idea on pricing/release date? I have a 180 pennisula similar to the 150g and would love something like this. How many are recommended for a 6 x 2 x 2 tank?

Any idea on pricing/release date? I have a 180 pennisula similar to the 150g and would love something like this. How many are recommended for a 6 x 2 x 2 tank?


I have the same size tank and will be getting one also. Hope to get away with just one pump.