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Water movements

I have a 155 bow reef ready and I was wondering how many or what kind of power head I should get. I am looking to do a mix reef so I wanted to make sure that I have good water movement

Any information would be greatly appreciated!!!!!!!
well ihappen to love maxijet 1200's coupled with algae free sure flow mod kits. i use them on a timer running on 5 minute cycles. with the new upgrade to the kits, i get over 2000 gph per powerhead in a nice wide flow. cheap as well, if you go to the right place you can get the mj for $20 and the mod kit for $15...


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
We have 2 of those mod kits that we pulled from our tank. They vibrated like crazy. I'd be happy to sell you ours if you're interested in going that route.

Personally, I'd get a pair of hydors and call it a day. By the time you spend the money on the maxi and the mod, you may as well own a hydor.
Another opinion - Tunze streams. Or if you really want to splurge - maybe a wavebox with a pair of streams.

what are the dimensions of the 155?
i have heard that some people have had problems with vibration, i have not. hydors push much less water, so $45 or so for the hydor 4 that pushes 1200 gph or $35 for 2100 gph and risk maybe having vibration.
i have 4 hydor koralia 4's in my 180g. those 4 plus the return pump & the return from my canister filter give me about 6000+ gph. i have nothing but good things to say about the koralia's.


NJRC Member
Honestly, I don't buy the Hydor markeneering. I mean, I know they move water, but I'd be willing to bet it's not nearly as much as they say.

I won that Hydor #1 at a club raffle a while back. It said 400 GPH. It probably moved about 1/2 as much water as my MJ1200s.

Good pumps, but don't buy the hype!
This is all great information. On the Maxi Jet 1200 with the upgrade kit will the vibration sound be constant or only as start-up


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Our MJs vibrated allllll the time. A low droaning hum. Quite annoying. Actually unplugged them the first night so we could sleep. Tried as we might we just couldn't get used to them.
I had two Koralia #4 and they really moved water, reliable and really nice magnetic/suction mounts.
About the gph rating I really dont trust ANY manufactor's ratings I'm not sure how they can come up with them. I think the only bad thing about the Koralias is that they dont like to be turnned on/off via wave maker.