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What skimmer for 150g Reef?

Well, its been awhile, broke both my legs in an ATV acident so my 55g suffered because I was on bed rest for a long time and couldn't do much walking, but i've just finished rehab so I was thinking of setting up a 150g (Looking at tank @ Absolutely Fish the 36"x36"x27", but thats tentative; in process of selling house atm). What protein skimmer would you guys suggest before I go and talk to the guys @ AF? I've heard everywhere from ATB 1050, BK 200 Mini Gen 2, MSX 250 (All from Reefcentral)...but I'd like to know what the people from NJRC would suggest.

Thanks in advance,
In my opinion look at the new royal exclusive skimmers. support our sponsor and give premium aquatics a call before you go to AF $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.
Since I finally hooked up my new Bermuda Rogue HOB skimmer, let's just say that I've become a big fan of Bermuda. check out their line. Top of the line quality, if you ask me.


NJRC Member
I just picked up one of these today. So far its kicking. I'll post up some pics when I have some time.