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Why do I need to keep cleaning my glass?

I installed a GFO reactor from BRS less than 3 weeks ago. Phosphate is at Zero as well as Nitrates. Every couple of days I am still getting that film of greenish/brown algae on my front glass. I don't mind cleaning this at all but I figured the GFO would stop it. Prior to installation of the reactor Phosphate was at around .5 mg/l and immediate dropped off to undetectable within 2 days of the installation of the reactor. Now with phosphate out of the water column, why am I still getting this algae on the glass?


NJRC Member
Do you use a hannah meeter to check phosphates? Also how much snails do you have they help alot at night time they will devour the brown films.
I have a loooota snails. 10 jumbo turbos, 20 turbos. The only thing there really doin is just leaving trails in it lol.
Remember one of algaes biggest food sources is light. As long as you keep running your lights chances are you will have to keep up on the scraping. You are not alone in this, look around at other people's tanks and just about all of them will have a mag float or reef gadget to help out with this.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
It is more than just PO4 contributing to the film on the glass. Silicates, nitrates, other disolved organics. Heavier skimming, silicate removal and ozone will help keep your glass clean. Theoretically UV would help this too (but that's anectdotal).
I've been trying to skim on the "wet" side. I'll have to keep up with this. I just changed my DI resin about 10 min ago. It was looking pretty exhausted, mostly all light brown. Just thought I'd do it as a safe measure (no TDS meter yet).
Just tested mag with red sea test kit. its over the scale they give you. Prob around 1400-1500 judging by how much regent C was left
Every thing you said checks out, 8 months is still a new tank, may just be natural cycles working out. Increased flow with a power head may help.
Just consider it a part of reefing, and invest in a magfloat. Makes it much easier. BTW -If your not testing your phosphates with a photometer then your results are most likely inaccurate
I guess I do not see this as a problem to be solved, other than through the use of a mag float.

I see this algae, as part of what feeds certain organisms in your tank.

I would be interested to hear if there is anyone who is not experiencing this type of algae.

It was my impression, the only part you can really help is the number of days between cleaning.

BTW - snails or any other tank inhabitant will never clean your glass better than you will.
it is almost impossible to rid that. even people running ultra low nutrient systems have to, the only thing is there are certain things you can do to avoid it happening to quickly. might as well consider it part of maintenance.
I have a hammerhead mag cleaner to take care of it. Works good with one pass. I just recently found my skimmers air intake had a serious clog and caused it not to produce that nice dark skimmate. Now it's been skimming nicely for a few days now. In a week or 2 I suppose I should see some change. Hopefully I wont have to clean the glass once every 2 days.


Staff member
NJRC Member
I agree with Dave. It's part of maintanence and you can't rid it completely. All you can do is take action to decrease the frequency in cleaning. I run a phosban reactor, use carbon and lowered the timing on my lights. Now I clean the glass 2x a week. I hope my skimmer change makes it once a week. I don't have many snails in the tank by the way.
See if you can bend or ad a reflector that will keep direct light from going right at the glass. I did this, only the bottom 2 inchs of the glass in my tank gets algae if I wasnt lazy I could tune it better and knock out the two inches too.
Don't really think it will help. I think it is more a nutrient issue then a light one. Not like it needs high light so you are always going to have some spilloff.
I know if I tried it I would break my light and electrocute myself. ;D