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Worm like creature killed my clam

When I got up this morning I turned on the lights and saw that my maxima clam was dead. Along side the clam was a slime tunnel, I followed the tunnel and saw a huge worm like creature. The worm or what ever it is for that matter, resembled a brittle starfish. The worm also had a greenish, brownish appearance and it was huge! I tried stopping it, but it was too fast.

What is this thing?
idk what you mean by that but i had a crocea clam and i came home from work in the morning to it dead once. the clam had a slime coat all over it. im guessing the slime was from the dead clam?
not the best but you can get the idea:
I have these worms. I was able to get one out of my tank it was about 6" long. I only see them at night. If you look in your tank in middle of night with a flashlight you'll probably see it again. Look quick cause when the light hits em thy shoot back into their hole or area really fast. Just like a nightcrawler does. Pretty sure one killed my gono a while back. Almost impossible to get out of your tank they are too fast!
Think I would stake out the thing with a razor on a stick and guillotine it when it came out or maybe even a fishing line noose. A very very dim light near the hole just enough to see it.
If this worm indeed killed your clam, I'd try and capture it with the inverted bottle trick. Put some food (silverside perhaps) into a plastic bottle, put it in bottom, and wait for that thing to go in it. I would also like to see what that worm looks like, if at all possible.

I have bristleworms in my tank, and they've never bothered anyone or anything. Great scavengers, IMHO. :)